Chapter 57

39 2 14

I am writing this during  zoom but I don't give a fuck I just had an anxiety attack and panic attack I am crying right now on zoom but anyways enjoy

After the coffee date and the Willex date, Alex went home. 

Alex- Ahhh he said when he hopped on the couch 

Luke- have you ever thought about getting your ears pierced

Alex- No......

Luke- oh you would be really hot with them

Alex- so?

Luke-nothing so what u wanna do 

Alex- can I tell u something 

luke- sure what is it

Alex- I so sorry I cheated on you it will never happen again

Luke- it's fine I overreacted 

alex- i love you so much babe 

Luke- I love you too so what u wanna do 

Alex- idk maybe..

Luke- make love

Alex- Well if u want too 

Luke- yea 

Alex-Ok u wanna be on top or should I be on top

Luke- U be on top 

Alex- ok 


Alex- Oh My God thanks so much Luke I needed that 

Luke- anytime

Alex- I have to go 

Luke- Where 

Alex- the store

Luke- can I come.

Alex- No because I have to get something that might be for your birthday

Luke- Oh ok then leave go get it.

Alex left.

Alex- Hey I'm here 

Willie- Perfect come in 

Alex- What did u need 

Willie- You.

Alex- wdym?

Willlie-follow me

The went to willie's room 

Romantic music playing candles 

Alex- U wanna make love?

Willie- Yep 


Willie- Lets go 


Alex- I should go we have practice

Willie- FIne bye babe

Alex-Uh huh 

ALex kissed willie.


Alex- Im back 

Reggie- Why didn't u invited me to your making love sess

Alex- Next time

Luke- Lets go to bed it's 2;am 

Alex Luke and Reggie cuddled

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