Chapter 55

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Alex managed his week between band luke willie and a couple of anxiety attacks here and there.

Alex- 1,2,3,4

They starting playing Now or Never.

After the practice Bobby lefted. 

Reggie- what should we do

Alex- idk I'm thinking about sleeping I'm very tired I have to wake up early tomorrow

Reggie- why

Luke- Alex what are u hiding.

Alex- nothing can we just go to bed


Alex- come on guys I'm tired goodnight.

Alex started crying.

Luke- Reggie get the phone! Alex are u ok!

Alex- No its an anxiety attack but it really bad 

Alex- I'm fine just need to go to bed.

Luke-no this is getting bad! We need to call 911

Alex- No! I'm fine he said hyperventilating 

Luke- Reggie get the phone

Alex went to the bed and went to bed

Luke- What's up with him

Reggie- he might be sick 

Luke- maybe

-Next day- 

Alex- Luke guess what

Luke- huh

Alex- I got a job!

Luke- As what

Alex-At the book store. 

Luke- Why reading is stupid

Alex- they pay $19.02 an hour so if I work for 8 hours I will get $152.16 and then a week it would be $1065.12 a week 

Luke- I like that job 

Alex- of course, you do bye babe

Luke- Adios

Alex kissed Luke on the lips. 

Luke- Good luck don't dump me for anyone esle

Alex- I will try not to 

Luke-U better 

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