Chapter 4

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Alex woke up. He was sleeping next to luke. " Luke, luke," said Alex, whispering. He didn't wake up. Alex repeats Luke. "Now I know what Reggie felt like," Alex thought. Alex started swaying Luke to wake him up. Alex kissed Luke on the cheek. " What? And did you kiss me " Luke said.

" Yes, But-" Alex said.

" OoOoh you love me," Luke said.

" No-" Alex said.

"So you don't love me?" Luke said. 21

"No I-," ALex said

" Oh so you do love me" Luke said

" Will u shut up for a second and let me talk," ALex said.

"Fine but let me guess u had a bad dream so now u are are scared and wanna cuddle with me,"Luke asked.

" If I were scared would I do this," ALex asked. But before Alex could respond, Luke grabbed Alex, kissed him on the lips and said." Can we go to bed? It's like 3 am ok,"Luke said. Alex's face was like a deer in headlights. Luke thought this would be a secret but little did they know Reggie and Bobby saw what had happened.

" Um goodnight, " Alex said.


"Anything happened last night," Reggie asked.

"No," Luke and Alex said in unison

Alex felt a pain in his chest and it got hard to breathe. Luke ran as fast as he could to him. "Are u ok?!?" Luke said.

" It's happening," Alex said.

" It's ok just take deep breaths," Luke said. Luke hugged Alex. " You'll be fine please trust me," Luke said, starting to cry. Alex started crying.

" Maybe sit down?" Luke said. Alex's palms got sweaty

" I feel l-l-like i'm gonna-pass out," Alex said crying.

luke brought Alex to the couch and continued to hug him.

" u will be ok just breathe," Luke said.

Alex's hands got numb. " Help please help it's getting worse, please Luke please,I love you," Alex said crying.

" I love you too, just breathe, breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out," Luke said.

Alex continued with Luke. Slowly he stopped hyperventilating. His hands were tense. His crying stopped. He started looking at Luke in relief. " I'm so glad you're ok," Luke said wiping his tears.

" You were worried?" Alex asked, confused.

" Yea I didn't want anything to happen to you," Luke said.

" I love you," Alex said. 23

" I love you more," Luke said.

" what happened," said Reggie.

" Um well I um well," Alex started.

'I gotta get some air," Alex said.

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