Chapter 61

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-At Willie House-

Alex let out a big long moan. 

Willie- U like that 

Alex bit his lip. Willie starting going faster. 

Alex- I love having sex with you 

Willie- Me too

Alex- Why'd you stop

Willie- I was gonna cum 

Alex- Oh" he said out of breath

Willie gave Alex one more hickey then they stopped.

Alex- Thanks I should get going to band practice

Willie- Ok see you later.

Alex- bye babe


Alex- Im here

Luke- Oh I though you'd be with YOur boyfriend WIllie. 

Alex- I was but know I am here

Reggie- Did you sleep with him

Alex- well yes cuz luke  kicked me out just like my parents so I didn't want to be homeless

Luke- Did you fuck him

Reggie- Language 

Luke- DID YOU?

Alex- why do you care lets just practice

Luke- 2 things one practice is canceled and you did have sex with him

Alex- So why does it matter

Luke- what has gotten into you I thought you loved me Then you make out with him in front of me 

ALex- YOur not the boss of me 

Luke- fagot 

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