Chapter 25

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They 2 went to Alex's parents house.

"Hi mom," Alex said.

" oh u what are u doing here," Mrs.Mercer said.

"Well we just wanted to say that we are dating and who cares if u are homophobic cuz I don't give a fu*k!," Avery said. She had got off the bus. 

"I can call child abuse for all the times u hit Alex and I," Avery said.

"They won't even care," Mrs. Mercer said.

"Yea they will cuz I'm famous I'm Paris Panic," Avery said,

"Fine but if anyone comes to me because u have a hickey, or u had s*x that is it I am pulling the plug," Mrs Mercer said.

"Ok," the 2 of them said.

When they got back. 

"I am writing a new song the chorus is "Wake up wake up if it's all you do," 

I was also thinking here's the one thing I want u to know u life is test but u go toe to toe," Avery said.

"I love that," ALex said

"Spill the tea, what did y'all do when I was gone," Avery said,

"U really wanna know," Luke asked.

"Duh," Avery said. 

"OMG Luke and Alex u guys love each other the moan," Avery said.

"It's nothing," Alex said.

"Really," Avery said,

"Yeah really," Luke said. 

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