Chapter 11

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You can choose to skip this chapter if you would like. Not everyone is comfortable with a threesome with Steve and that is 100% okay. It's only a one time deal, so it doesn't affect anything about the rest of the story. I may be the author, but it is still YOUR story. Feel free to imagine things differently to fit who you are!!


The elevator doors opened, releasing the tension from the confined space and into the rest of the floor. Bucky placed a hand on your lower back and led you to his room. Steve followed closely behind the two of you and admired the view of your ass as you walked. Bucky opened the door to his room and stepped aside to let you and Steve in first.

The door clicked shut as Bucky turned around to face you. "I have a few rules before this happens, but first I need to know if you're okay with this. Just say the word and he walks out of here. What do you want?"

You took a deep breath and looked between the two men in front of you. You'd have to be blind to not find Steve attractive, but it was only a physical attraction. The emotions you feel for Bucky were on a completely different level. However, you can't say you haven't been interested to know what lays beneath the Captain America uniform.

Your eyes locked on your boyfriend as you answered. "I'm okay with this. I told you I trusted the both of you and I meant it."

Steve's shoulders seemed to relax at your words, the tension completely falling off them. Bucky smirked before laying out his rules for the night.

"Well, my rules for the night are simple. Firstly, your pussy is mine and mine only. My cock is the only one that's fucking you. Understand?"

You nodded your head in a 'yes' motion making Bucky click his tongue in disappointment. "Use your words, doll. Do you understand?"

Your thighs clenched, excitement pooling between your legs. "Yes, sir. I understand."

He stalked towards you and cupped your face in his hands, placing a lingering kiss on your lips. He stepped back as your lips chased for more and continuing to set his rules. "Second rule, we are in charge tonight. When we tell you to do something, I expect you to do it. You know your safe words. If you need us to slow down, say 'Naboo'. If you need us to stop, say 'Hoth'. Do you understand my little nerd?"

You smirked at Bucky's teasing of your Star Wars themed safe words. "Yes, sir."

He gave you another short kiss of praise. "Third rule, this is a one time deal. I saw how Steve was looking at you at the party and couldn't help but ask him to join us. I trust him with my life, so what other man to trust with my girl. I know how you secretly want to have a three-way at least once in your life, so who am I to not give you everything you want? Do you understand?"

A soft blush crept up your face as you pulled him close and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Yes, sir. I understand and I adore the hell out of you."

You pulled him in for a kiss and could feel his smile against your lips, making your heart pound against your chest. The both of you pulled away and looked at Steve who was sitting awkwardly at the foot of the bed. His hands were fidgeting in his lap while his eyes were shifting between you and Bucky.

You stood in front of Bucky and pulled his hands to the zipper on your dress. His hand trailed lightly up your back, making goosebumps rise over your skin. Hot lips pressed into the back of your neck as he grasped the zipper and slowly pulled it down. The straps fell loose on your body and you pulled your arms free. The lacey material that once covered you was now pulled down to your waist, exposing your bare chest.

I Won't Give Up (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now