Chapter 3

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You looked at yourself in the mirror, admiring the work you had done. You were wearing a black dress with thin straps that hugged the curves of your body. It ended right below your ass and the neckline left nothing to the imagination. You made a mental note to not bend over under any circumstances. You paired the dress with a pair of strappy black heels that made your legs look even better. For your makeup, you decided to go with a simple, glowy look that made your unnaturally brilliant blue eyes stand out.

As you looked in the mirror, Natasha walked up beside you. She was wearing a stunning emerald green dress with a plunging neckline and lace detailing that hugged her body.

"Babe, you are going to make Barnes have a heart attack when he sees you in that dress."

You rolled your eyes as you grabbed your clutch from your bed. "Me and Bucky are civilized now. That's all."

You told her about the conversation you had with Bucky last night and how there was a chance the two of you could become friends. She joked about how you seemed to be well on your way to a little more than friends, but you only laughed off the claims and avoided talking about it further.

You and Natasha made your way to the elevator and set off to the lounge floor. Once the doors opened, you saw the party was in full swing. The room was filled with people you had never met before, along with some familiar faces. Wanda and Vision were huddled in a corner, knowing Vis doesn't care for parties. Thor was in the middle of the room telling a crowd of people about one of his many adventures in Asgard. Steve, Sam, and Bucky were standing at the bar enjoying their beers.

Natasha was quickly swept away to the dance floor and you made your way to the bar, determined to get some vodka in you to deal with the many strangers. Bucky seemed to have noticed you walking up because he suddenly ignored whatever Steve was saying as his eyes locked on you.

Bucky's eyes wandered down your frame, lingering on your legs and chest before returning back to your eyes. You couldn't help but let your eyes roam over Bucky. He was wearing black dress pants and a matching black dress shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, leaving his flesh and vibranium forearms on display. The top buttons of his shirt were undone, showing off a sliver of his sculpted chest. His newly shortened hair shocked you, but made him look more like... him. Your eyes returned to his, noticing the amusement in them and realized he had caught you checking him out.

You quickly made your way to Sam sitting at the bar and placed your hand on his shoulder. He jumped at the contact, him and Steve too engrossed in their conversation to realize you were there.

"Well don't you look beautiful, monkey. Give me a spin." He grabbed your hand and held it above your head so you could spin. When you turned back around, you leaned into Sam and whispered in his ear, "You better go get your girl. She already got swept away by a very charming man."

Sam cleared his throat and excused himself before making his way to the dance floor. Natasha and Sam didn't label their relationship, but they had been sneaking around for the past month. You were the only one who knew about it since Natasha was like a big sister to you and Sam was your best friend. Neither of them wanted to lie to you, so they made sure you were in the loop.

You occupied the seat left by Sam in between the two super soldiers. Steve was wearing a similar outfit as Bucky, but he opted for a powder blue shirt. You ordered three shots of vodka, knowing that you only wanted to feel relaxed and not drunk. Steve cleared his throat to get your attention, "You look gorgeous, (y/n)."

"Well thank you, Steve. You look rather handsome tonight."

Steve blushed at the compliment and mumbled a 'thank you'. You could feel Bucky's eyes burning into the back of your head, but you continued to look at Steve. You were afraid that if you looked at Bucky, you wouldn't be able to look away.

I Won't Give Up (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now