Chapter 16

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**TW: Mentions of sexual abuse**

Day 3


The silence was deafening as the four of you stared at the door. No one else was supposed to come. It was only supposed to be Sam. You knew exactly who was behind that door. You could feel it within your body. It seemed like every hair on your body stood at attention, just waiting for the next move.

Bucky began to slowly walk towards the door, gun in hand. You pulled Peter off the couch and directed him to crouch behind the kitchen counter. Once you were sure he was hidden, you grabbed another pistol from under the kitchen sink.

"Stay covered. I don't want you interfering unless you have to," you whispered to Sam as you handed him the gun.

He checked if the gun was loaded and turned off the safety. "If they come for you, I'm interfering."

There was no point in arguing. Sam was as stubborn as they come. He would always protect his family, and that included you. You grabbed his wrist and squeezed lightly, silently telling him to stay safe. He crouched behind the couch and held the pistol close to his chest.

Bucky glanced back at you, making sure you were ready for whatever was about to come. However, you knew exactly what waited for you behind that door. Energy coursed through you, your eyes glowing fiercely. Bucky took one step towards the door before he heard a faint beeping behind him. He looked at the window behind Sam and noticed a small, blinking red light.

"Sam get away from there!" He yelled.

Bucky ran towards Sam while Peter sprinted towards you. Sam was only able to get a few feet away before an explosion sent him hurling into Bucky. The two of them fell to the ground, Sam's head catching the floor and knocking him unconscious. Peter managed to pull you into the hallway before it was set off, so the two of you were unscathed. Half of the living room was blown up, the roof crumbling to pieces and engulfed in flames.

Just then, the front door was ripped off its hinges. Hydra agents followed behind the man you sensed before. The man you despised more than anything. You were against killing people, but for him, you would make an exception.

"Hey princess."

Your body tensed at the name he had called you in your time with Hydra.


Rumlow shook his head and signaled for his men to move forward. "It's Crossbones now."

The two on his right went for Bucky as he tried to wake Sam up and the two on the left went straight for Peter. Using your powers, you put a shield up between Hydra and Bucky. With your free hand, you pushed the other two into the wall and held them in place.

"Looks like your hands are occupied. What are you going to do about me, princess?" Rumlow teased menacingly.

Sam was beginning to wake up and Bucky pulled him to his feet. You knew Peter could fight. He was stronger than Bucky and Sam combined, but your heart wouldn't allow you to let him fight. It was your job to keep him safe. It was your job to keep all of them safe.

As Rumlow came closer, you had to focus more. One wrong move and his goons had free reign on your family.

"Without your powers I could kill you easily. Lucky for you, we don't want you dead. Be a good little princess and make this easier for yourself."

You were fed up. Steam practically spewed from your ears. The shield you had up to protect Bucky and Sam diminished as your blue energy wrapped tightly around Rumlow's neck.

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