Chapter 15

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Day 2


"Tell me, asset. Tell me where she is and you can go home."

Bucky could smell his breath fanning over his face from how close he stood. He could practically see every pore in the man's disgusting skin. It was a face Bucky would never forget. A face he despised.

Brock Rumlow.

His snarled face shifted into a slimy grin, knowing Bucky would never give his beloved girlfriend up to them. Bucky heard the low hum of someone talking through Brock's earpiece, but he wasn't able to catch any words. Brock looked at Bucky with amusement and began to chuckle. "Oh this should be good."

Bucky's brow furrowed in confusion. What the hell was this man on about? The steel door slammed open and in walked two Hydra agents. It wasn't their presence that made Bucky tense, it was the person they were dragging between them. The most beautiful woman in the world. The entire reason for his existence. The woman he loved more than anything.

Bucky tugged on his restraints on the arms of the chair, screaming in frustration. He had to get to you. He needed to save you. Brock grabbed you by the back of your neck and pushed you down to your knees. Tears streamed down your face, your bottom lip trembling in fear. Those blue eyes that would normally be glowing brightly in a situation like this were as dull as the sky on a stormy day. Your powers were gone. They must have done something to take them away.

Bucky's voice cracked as he spoke to you. "I-I'm sorry baby. I was supposed to protect you and I failed. I'm so sorry."

He didn't deserve to be looked at the way you were looking at him right now. You weren't hurt or angry. Even with all the pain you were experiencing, you still looked at him like he was perfect. "Don't be sorry Bucky. It'll be okay. I love you, Bucky."

Brock pulled out his gun and pointed it directly at your head. "The last thing Hydra needs is to have you fighting against us. The only way to win is to kill you."

Brock turned his attention to Bucky and had the nerve to fake an apologetic look. "It's nothing personal."


Bucky sat up abruptly, his body covered in sweat. His chest rose rapidly with his breaths, frantic eyes scanning the foreign environment.

This wasn't home. Home was in the compound. Where was he? Why wasn't he home? This wasn't home.

His eyes landed on your sleeping form beside him and he instantly felt calm. Home was with you. Once his heartbeat was steady enough, he carefully slid out of bed, making sure not to wake you. It seemed like forever since he had a nightmare. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't had a nightmare since the two of you got together.

The anxiety was getting to him. Bucky didn't like being a sitting duck. As much as he trusted Tony's equipment, all technology was vulnerable in some way. Hydra was perfectly capable of finding them. Bucky knew that, and he didn't like it one bit.

Bucky pulled on some grey sweatpants and a black muscle top. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. His heightened senses picked up on someone sneaking behind the open fridge door. It was nearly five in the morning when he woke up. Nobody in the house would be awake except for him. Not giving it another thought, Bucky shut the door and grabbed the assailant, wrapping his hand around their neck and shoving them against the door.

"It's me, Mr. Barnes! It's Peter! Oh my god... I'm too young to die!"

Bucky's eyes widened in realization, pulling away his hand and taking a few steps back. "Shit... Don't sneak up on me kid. What the hell are you doing up anyways?"

I Won't Give Up (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now