Chapter 12

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Two weeks later



The sound of gunshots echoed through the compound, effectively startling you awake. The lights were completely out and the red alarm signaling the place was under attack was blaring in your ears. You reached in the darkness to wake Bucky, but was surprised and worried to find an empty bed.


Panic set in as the shots continued to go off. You quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the closet, putting your suit on as fast as you could. As you walked to the door, Friday's voice stopped you in your tracks.

"Sergeant Barnes has informed me to keep you in this room no matter what. I'm sorry, but I can't let you out."

Anger filled your veins and set off a rage within you. You had no idea what was happening and you weren't going to sit by and let your friends get hurt.

"Friday, tell me what's happening out there," you asked quietly in case anyone was nearby.

"It appears that Hydra agents have infiltrated the compound. Their motives are unknown, but they seem to be attempting to breach the stairwell to get to your position. Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes are currently on your floor as we speak."

There was no doubt in your mind that Hydra was here for you. Honestly, you were surprised it took this long. Your main worry right now was Bucky. Hydra wouldn't hesitate to try and get their beloved Winter Soldier back. He has worked every day to deal with his past and you weren't going to let anyone get in the way of that.


You flinched as another shot went off, feeling the energy surrounding your fingertips. "Open the damn door," you practically growled.

"I'm sorry, but I have orders to-"

"I'm a Stark. You have to listen to me over anyone. Now open the fucking door."

You've never used your adoptive name to get your way, but this was different. You needed to get out there. You knew their odds were better with you out there. The silence killed you as Friday contemplated what you said. You heard the door click and immediately took your chance.

The sight outside made you even more confused than before. Steve and Bucky both turned to you in shock, one obviously more angry than the other. The two of them were standing behind cover just waiting for someone to appear. Bucky took two strides towards you before you stopped him.

"Don't you dare try to stop me. I don't give a damn if you want me safe. There are other people in this compound too. I'm not going to sit on my ass and just wait for you guys to fight it out. What the hell are you doing just standing here anyways?"

Bucky clenched his fists at his side, "I told Friday to keep you in the room. You shouldn't be out here."


The energy in your fingertips surged to life, the blue in your eyes lighting up as the fire inside you burned hot. "Yeah. She told me, which you had no fucking right to do. I need to be here, not locked in a room and used as bait."

Bucky frustratingly ran a hand through his hair before glaring at you. "They're here to take you back and I'm not going to let that happen. I need you to stay in your room."


The shots sounded like they were going off in the main floor, which was only two floors down from yours. The sound was echoing through the stairway at the end of the hallway and you fully intended to head towards it.

I Won't Give Up (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now