Chapter 7

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The next morning, you woke up with an arm around your waist and a peaceful face buried in your neck. Bucky was curled against your side and holding onto you as if he was afraid to let you go. You knew he would be awake soon, so you took advantage of your limited time to admire his sleeping form.

It was crazy to think about how different life was with him now. Two years ago, you would have never been in the same room as him. Now, you couldn't imagine life without him. It had only been a couple days, and you knew you weren't in love with him yet, but you were sure as hell on your way to it.

Bucky began to stir, interrupting your thoughts. You watched the way his eyebrows scrunched together before his eyes slowly opened. It took him a second to remember where he was, but when he did he wasted no time. He looked up at you and you were in awe at the way the light shining through the window made his eyes as blue as the sky. In that moment, the winter soldier never existed. The man beside you was purely James Buchanan Barnes who had never been a victim of Hydra.

You placed a hand on his jaw and stroked your thumb along the stubble of his cheek. "Good morning, Bucky."

"Good morning, doll," Bucky replied in a gravelly voice as his eyelashes fluttered under your touch. He shifted his weight until he was settled between your legs. He propped himself up by his metal forearm and slid his other hand to the back of your neck. His eyes roamed over your naked body below him before settling on your eyes. There was a hint of amusement in his eyes as they flickered down to your lips. "I believe I have a promise to keep."

His lips crashed against yours, not even caring about the morning breath. The kiss was hungry and filled with desire, teeth clashing together as your tongues were quick to meet. You curled a leg around his waist, pressing your heel against his lower back to bring him closer. You moaned at the realization that he never put clothes on after his shower, resulting in his hardening cock pressing directly against you.

Bucky groaned at the feeling of your already wet pussy pressed against him, halting his movements before he got carried away. Using this to your advantage, you pushed him off to the side of you and straddled him. His eyes were wide with shock and lust. You grabbed his face with both hands and placed a quick kiss on his lips before making your way down his body. Your lips travelled along his skin placing wet kisses along his jaw. You sucked on the spot right below his jaw, making him buck his hips against yours and let out a low moan. "Baby, I'm supposed to be the one driving you crazy right now."

You lightly laughed, biting at the sensitive spot. "I'm getting what I couldn't have last night... Sergeant." Bucky moaned at the title, willing to let you do whatever you wanted in that moment. After blowing cool air on the fresh mark, you let your lips travel further down, leaving marks on his collarbone and chest. You looked up at him through your eyelashes as you let your lips hover over his nipple. His eyes were as dark as a storm, his chest rising heavily with his shaky breaths. You flicked your tongue against the hardened bud, making his eyes roll back as his mouth dropped open, letting out a rather loud moan.

You clamped a hand over his mouth, causing his eyes to snap open. You let your hand fall off as you spoke, bringing it to tweak at his other nipple. "You don't want to wake the others now do you, Sergeant?"

Bucky moaned slightly, his words breathy with pleasure. "Doll, I don't care if I wake the whole fucking building. Just please don't stop."

You raised an eyebrow at his plea, "Yes, sir."                                                                                                              

You moved your lips down his abs, letting your tongue run down the center of them. Once you reached the dark patch of hair, you stilled your movements to watch the way Bucky's face clearly showed how he was holding himself back to let you have control. The sight alone filled your heart with warmth. You let your eyes travel down to where he needed you most, admiring the sight of his fully erect cock. The vein on the underside of his shaft was bulging out and the head of his cock was a fiery red. He was already dripping with precum, begging for a release.

I Won't Give Up (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now