Chapter 17

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Day 4


After you made the call, the night was spent scanning through every database Tony could access. The team tried to pinpoint potential locations Bucky was being kept based on known Hydra locations and any buildings within the vicinity. Basically, you were working with scraps. Every lead the team came up with ended up to be a dead end. You were feeling the frustration.

It was nearly three in the morning when Sam had to pry you from Tony's office and throw you in the shower. He stayed seated on your bed and made sure you got dressed in pajamas. Once you were done, he pushed you into the bed and laid beside you until you fell asleep.

You woke up the next morning feeling miserable. It felt like a fifty pound weight had been placed on your head. You pulled on your nanotech wrist bracelets and went into the kitchen to get breakfast. After pouring a bowl of cereal, you sat alone at the dining table, staring out the window.

Being back at the compound without Bucky felt like a punch to the gut. Everything you've experienced with Bucky has been here. You thought back to the first time you met him in this exact room.


The second you exited the hallway, you were met with way too many eyes. Panic filled your system as everyone stared at you. You tried to gauge their reactions, but your anxiety made you believe they would all be against you. Suddenly, as you went down the row of people, you were staring into the most beautiful pair of blue eyes you had ever seen. They weren't as vibrant as your own unnaturally colored eyes. No... they were cool, almost grey. You could see the darkness beneath those eyes. He had seen things that no human should ever have to see.

Everyone took turns introducing themselves, the mystery blue-eyed man being last. You stood in front of him, expecting the same handshake as the rest of the people. He simply stared at you, face devoid of any emotion.

You decided to break the silence and introduce yourself. "Hi. I'm (y/n)."

"I know," he grunted as he walked straight past you.

You were frozen in your spot, wondering what you had done wrong. The man you had met before, Steve, placed a reluctant hand on your shoulder. "Give him some time. He takes a bit longer to trust people than the rest of us."


You laughed to yourself at the memory. If only Steve knew it would take two years and numerous fights for him to come around. Your own stubborn attitude didn't help the situation either. Since you got together, the two of you hadn't spent a day apart. Now that he was gone, the compound seemed too empty for you.

"Are you just going to mope all day or are we going to get your man back?"

You nearly jumped out of your skin, whipping your head around to see your saving grace.

"Shuri, I am so happy you're here." You gave her a hug and looked behind her quizzically. "Where's your brother?"

"Waiting for us in the conference room."

You sat your bowl in the sink and followed behind Shuri to where everyone was waiting, not even caring that you were still in your pajamas. T'Challa was standing at the head of the table talking to your father. You took a seat beside Sam and he held your hand in his to bring you a sense of comfort.

Shuri stood beside T'Challa and pulled out her tablet to control the visuals they had. T'Challa nodded his head towards you in acknowledgment with a small smile as he finished up his conversation with your father. Tony gave him a pat on the shoulder and faced the group.

I Won't Give Up (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now