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The bright, blaring Wakanda sun pours over the satin sheets, the only material covering your body as you lay in bed. The birds sing their morning melodies as the wildlife begins to rise in tandem with the sun. You had just woken up with a wide smile, still amazed at the freeing nature of being in a beautiful country with the man you love.

In the week you have been in Wakanda, you and Bucky haven't left your room once. Since the moment you got together, you haven't had a true moment alone. The team was always near and very nosey. Now that the two of you are on a vacation, you can't quite seem to keep your hands off each other.

With the memories of last night fresh on your mind, you place a hand on Bucky's cheek and run your nails along the thick hair he's let grow out. Your body flushes, thinking of the delicious scratch on the inside of your thighs you feel every time Bucky devours you. As if he could hear your thoughts, Bucky's eyes flutter open as he pulls your hand from his face and places a kiss in the center of your palm. The blanket shifts lover with the movement, exposing the smattering of hair on his chest that travels down the center of his abdomen.

"Good morning, doll."

The gravel in his voice makes your smile brighten, knowing that no one else gets to see this side of him. He sits up against the headboard and pulls you into his lap, his hands finding the soft flesh of your thighs.

"Good morning, love," you whisper against his lips.

Bucky lets out a pleased hum at the endearment and kisses from your lips to your collarbone. His morning erection twitches between your legs, his super soldier stamina never giving you a break. Your hips rock forward of their own accord, desperate to feel him. Bucky groans into your neck, his hands guiding your hips' movements.

"I need you, baby," Bucky moans as he bites your neck and soothes the skin with his tongue. He reaches between you to grasp his cock in his fist and line it up with your soaking entrance. There's no preparation needed when he knows how soaked you are.

Your phone blares on the nightstand, Natasha's name lighting up on the screen.

Bucky glares up at you and shakes his head. "Don't you dare answer that phone."

"I'm sorry," you say with a grimace. "I haven't talked to Nat since we left."

Bucky audibly drops his head back on the headboard, keeping his hand wrapped around himself. You crawl to the nightstand and answer the phone before Nat gets the answering machine.

"Hey Nat!"

"You haven't called and all you have to say is 'hey'?" Nat scolds through the speaker.

You slightly wince, feeling bad that you've been awol from the team. "I'm sorry! We've been a bit preoccupied."

You glance back at Bucky and see him repeatedly hitting the back of his head against the headboard like a toddler. You swat his thigh as Natasha continues to rip into you for not calling any of them.

"I get it, Mom. How is everyone doing?"

Nat chuckles in your ear. "Everyone else is good except for Sam. He doesn't know what to do with himself without you... speaking of..." You hold the phone away from your ear as you hear fumbling around and arguing.

Sam manages to grab the phone and yells, "Monkey! How's Wakanda? Are you going to come back with a cool name like Buck? I'm partial to Silver Serpent. Actually, scratch that. I think..."

Bucky rolls his eyes and stands up, giving you a perfect view of his butt as he walks toward the bathroom.

"I haven't been honored with a cool name yet," You inform Sam, cutting off his rant. "I've only been here a week. How are you holding up?"

I Won't Give Up (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now