Chapter 2

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You and Sam stayed cuddled up in the living room, continuing your Star Wars marathon. You were on episode six when you heard the sound of giggles entering the room. You turned your head and froze at the sight of Bucky with his arms wrapped around a beautiful brunette in some very revealing clothing.

"Oh, sorry Wilson. I didn't know anyone would be in here," Bucky apologized, noticing how your arm was wrapped around Sam's waist and pulling the brunette closer against him. You rolled your eyes and focused back on your movie, feeling the familiar energy building in your chest.

The brunette squealed and ran to the other couch. "I love a good movie night. What are we watching?" she asked, looking at you. You raised your eyebrows and looked the girl up and down, "Are you serious? Have you never seen Star Wars before?"

She looked back at the screen and shrugged her shoulders. "I've heard of it, but it seemed boring."

You opened your mouth to call her out for hating on Star Wars, but Sam's hand covered your mouth as he whispered in your ear, "Not everyone is as cool as you, monkey."

You let out a small laugh and Sam kissed your temple. You both settled back into your position as Bucky sat beside the random girl he brought into the compound. You tried to focus on the movie, but you were constantly interrupted by the sound of giggling as Bucky couldn't seem to keep his hands to himself. After twenty minutes of annoyance, you snapped.

"Oh my god! Can you not keep it in your pants for one fucking movie?!"

Sam tried to stifle his laughter as Bucky glared at you. "You're practically laying on Wilson and you want to yell at me?"

The girl began to awkwardly shift in her spot as she watched the two of you argue.

"If I wanted to lay on Sam, we would be in my bed right now. All I want to do is watch my movie without the sound of fucking giggles." You turned towards the girl, "No offense. You seem like a great girl."

The girl gave you an uncomfortable smile, "No offense taken. I'm just... gonna go now."

She quickly walked to the elevator. As soon as the door shut, Bucky unscrewed the filter he was keeping on. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

You slightly winced at his voice, but stood your ground. "What's wrong with me? You're the one who brought a random girl in here and interrupted my movie night!" Bucky scoffed as Sam slowly made his way out of the room, afraid of the chaos that may occur.

"It's just a movie, (y/n)! Why are you so fucking pissed?"

You closed your eyes as you took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm raging in your chest. You opened your eyes and suddenly Bucky was staring into the raging brightness of your eyes. "I'm pissed because this is my happy place. Watching Star Wars in this room is the only thing that calms me, but why would I need to be calmed down? Oh yeah, because of you! Because you've been a dick to me from the moment we met! Because I was alone for the first twenty-five years of my life because no one wanted me! That's what you said, right? You think I don't know that? I live with that fact every fucking day! So I apologize for needing one good thing in my life!"

Your chest was rising and falling rapidly with every breath you took. Your eyes were shining bright, and Bucky was frozen where he stood. He was scared to move as his eyes roamed down to the energy surrounding your hands. "(y/n) ... I meant when I said I was sorry earlier. I didn't do it because of Steve- well he told me to apologize, but I was going to anyway."

Bucky was looking at you with nervous eyes as your angry glow began to slowly dim. "You're not wanted..." Your eyes brightened back up before Bucky quickly continued, "You're not wanted because you're needed. You're needed by everyone here."

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