Chapter 20

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Final Day


Love was something you never thought you'd be capable of. Most of your life has been spent alone. You had no parents, no friends... no one to show you what love even meant. You watched the others at the orphanage get adopted and brought into homes filled with love. You waited every day to find that for yourself, but it never came.

The one time you thought, "this is my chance," you ended up in the arms of Hydra. There, they taught you the opposite of love. They taught you how to hate. You loathed them with every fiber of your being. Not a day went by that you didn't despise not only Hydra, but yourself as well.

Then, Tony came along. The person who showed you what unconditional love felt like. It didn't matter to him that you were a part of Hydra. He took you in as one of his own. You were his daughter. You are his daughter.

Now, you have Bucky. Tony may have taught you that love existed, but Bucky proved that you were capable of giving that same love to others. You loved Sam, Natasha, and the rest of the team, but the love you held for Bucky was different. You didn't know where the team would be in the future, but with Bucky, you hoped his future was with you.

With the future in mind, you packed up as many clothes as you could fit in your suitcase. When Bucky mentioned a vacation, you didn't realize he meant leaving the very next day. You hadn't even let your father know you would be leaving yet.

You huffed as you zipped up the suitcase, sitting down beside it on the bed and looking around the room. It was just a vacation, but the only time you had ever left the compound was when you went to Wakanda. It always felt weird to leave the place you considered home.

"Hey," Bucky grabbed your attention from the doorway. "Come with me for a minute."

You rose from the bed and grabbed his outstretched hand, lacing your fingers together and letting him lead the way. The two of you entered the living room where the entire team was waiting for you.

"Um, hi," you nervously greeted them.

You turned to Bucky and gripped his hand tighter. "What's going on?"

He pulled your hand up to his lips and kissed your knuckles. "We might want to tell them what we're doing so they don't search the globe for us."

"Are you kidnapping my daughter?" Tony asked with a pointed look.

Bucky sat on the arm of the couch and pulled you into his side. "Yes. Possibly for a few months."

"A few what?" You asked, slightly panicked.

You thought a vacation meant a week, maybe two. Not a few months. You definitely had more packing to do.

"Yeah. I made plans for two months. I just need some time," Bucky sighed and looked up at you, exhaustion clear in his expression. "I need a break from fighting. You don't have to stay the entire time. I'd never force you away from your family longer than you want."

"Bucky," you held his face in your hands. "You are my family."

You smiled at each other, a look in your eyes that expressed to each other how much that statement truly meant.

"Gosh, you guys are disgusting," Tony cut in. He took his glasses off and rubbed at his eyes as if the sight of you two pained his vision.

Bucky rolled his eyes while Natasha smacked Tony's head. Sam was abnormally quiet, staring down at his hands with furrowed brows. You walked over to him and crouched down in front of him, taking his hands in your own and forcing him to look at you.

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