Chapter 6

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"Would you stop pacing? You're stressing me out."

You couldn't rest your nerves. The team had been inside for almost an hour without a single word and to say you were stressed would be an understatement. You were already assuming the worst. "We have no idea what's going on in there. What if the coms aren't working in there? What if they need us?"

You continued to pace, nervously eating some goldfish from your pockets as you mumbled all your worries to yourself. Bucky let out a huff and set his rifle to the side as he stood up. Oblivious to Bucky's movements, you were startled when you turned around and he was right in front of you. He placed his hands on your upper arms and looked you straight in the eyes. "(Y/n), they're going to be okay. They fought aliens. Do you think some Hydra douchebags are going to be a challenge?"

Your shoulders relaxed as you thought over his words. It seemed ridiculous now that you would panic over this. You wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him closer. Your chin rested on his chest as you looked up at him. "You're right. I'll stop-"


You were cut off by a loud explosion in the Hydra base. You and Bucky quickly separated and he was on the ground with his rifle in an instant. Panic filled your chest as you watched smoke rise from the vents. The doors on the East side facing the both of you slammed open and multiple Hydra agents walked out with their backs to you. They were shooting at what you assumed to be the team on the inside.

Bucky was quick to take out as many as he could. The Hydra agents began to focus their fire in the general area where you and Bucky were, but apparently forgot about the team inside. Tony was the first one out the building, taking shots at the exposed agents. Sam and Vision stayed above the fight, taking out any that were getting too close to the team. Natasha, Hulk, and Wanda were quick to join the fight, leaving the Hydra agents at a disadvantage. The fight ended after about five minutes and you had yet to see Steve or Clint exit the building.

There was a crackling in the earpiece before you heard Natasha's voice. "Bucky, get (y/n) to the jet. Clint was hurt pretty bad in the explosion and we need her ready to help."

Bucky strapped his rifle to his back and stood up, placing a hand on your lower back as you walked towards the jet. "I'm on it."

You felt your heart sink into your chest. Clint was like a second father to you. When you first arrived at the compound, Clint was quick to do anything to make you feel comfortable. Tony was always the one to buy you anything you might need, but Clint made sure that you were comfortable mentally after what you went through.

Once you arrived at the jet, you sat down by the row of chairs against the wall and tried to relax your nerves as much as possible. Bucky crouched in front of you and pulled your hands into his own. "I know you're worrying right now, doll. I can see it in that little scrunch between your eyebrows."

You quickly relaxed your eyebrows, trying to make it appear as if you were fine. Bucky held your hands in front of his lips and placed a kiss on each knuckle, "You can't hide your emotions from me. I've spent enough time looking at you to know what goes on in the pretty head of yours. Clint is going to be okay. You care about him too much for him not to be okay."

You nodded your head, letting him know that you were going to be okay. The sound of footsteps approaching put you both on alert. Bucky drew his pistol and stood in front of you, aiming at the open ramp. Steve and Sam appeared at the bottom of the ramp holding up a badly injured Clint. Sam laughed as he saw Bucky with his gun raised at them. "I know you want to shoot me, but I don't think your girl would appreciate that very much."

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