Chapter 18

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Day 5


The ocean surrounded you, the moonlight refracting through the surface. You were only a few yards under the surface, speeding through the water, sea life flashing past your vision. As beautiful as it was, you weren't able to admire it when it felt like you were suffocating.

There was only you and the darkness. The weight of guilt didn't just sit on your shoulders, it stomped it's boots into your skin and continued to stomp until you were buried underneath it. Moving through the water in a confined submarine meant there was nothing to focus on except for your own destructive thoughts.

"I can hear your troubles," T'Challa cut through the silence.

You slammed your head back against the chair and squeezed your eyes shut. "Imagine how loud they are in my own head."

He placed a free hand on your shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. "The Sergeant will be back in your arms in no time. I can assure you."

The submarine slowed as you approached the shore, indicating you had made it. T'Challa stopped at the edge of the beach, shutting off the controls once you had settled. He exited the submarine first and held out a hand to help you out of your seat.

Steve hopped out of his seat and stood at your side. "I let Tony know we're here. They'll be here any minute. It's time to move in."

Natasha and Clint took the lead, needing to attract as little attention as possible. Two guards stood approximately thirty yards from your location facing the direction of the sea. The darkness provided necessary coverage as Natasha stalked toward them. She pulled two tranquilizer darts from her belt and shoved them into the agents' necks. They dropped after a few seconds, having enough time to turn around and see the wink Natasha sent to them.

"Two down," Natasha said with a smirk.

"Good. Now get the other twenty-four on the way to the bunker. I'm reading at least eighty agents around the island," Tony informed the team through the comms.

You looked around the island and took note of the large density of trees. It could work to your advantage. The sheer amount of trees could give you enough cover as you navigate your way to the bunker. However, it would make it even harder to ensure every agent was taken care of. As you turned to Steve, you had an idea.

"How about Wanda and Sam create a diversion?" You asked.

Steve thought over the idea, gazing at the forestry. "Wanda and Sam can draw most of them away from the bunker while we go in. T'Challa and Vision can attack from behind."

"I'll let you know if any stay in your way and meet you and the entrance when you're clear," Tony informed you.

Steve led the four of you to the edge of the tree line and directed you to crouch, shielding Natasha's back while T'Challa crouched behind you. He made sure the area was clear before talking. "Sam, tell us when to go."

"Oh, you'll know when to haul ass!"

You could hear the smile in his voice, letting you know he was going to be as dramatic as possible. You waited for the signal, the anticipation of the situation building up. This was it.

An explosion sounded from the other side of the island, giving you the green light. The four of you sprang into action, sprinting as fast as you could through the forest.

"You've got one at two o'clock," Tony let you know.

Natasha picked up her pace as she approached the agent. They were facing the direction of the explosion, leaving their back completely exposed. It only took Natasha a few seconds to drop to the ground and used her momentum to slide between their legs, grabbing onto their feet and pulling them to the ground. She turned to shock them in the neck with her bracelets to render them unconscious and continued running.

I Won't Give Up (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now