Chapter 14

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Day 1


"Yes, Bucky... just like that..."

His face was buried between your thighs, his tongue lapping at your dripping cunt. The satin sheets were clenched in your fists as your back arched off the bed. His beard scratched between your thighs, only adding to the intense pleasure you were experiencing.

Rough fingers slid up your stomach, forming chills along your body. A sharp tug at your nipples made you groan. "More... I need more."

Bucky lifted his head, your arousal glistening in his facial hair. "I'll give you whatever you want baby. Just tell me what you need."

You grasped his hair and tugged him back between your legs. He chuckled, but gave you exactly what you wanted. He latched his lips onto your clit and sucked at the bundle of nerves. A single finger breached you and curled into that glorious spot that always brought you over the edge. He added a second finger and began to fuck you with them as he lightly nibbled on your clit. The moment he started sucking at your clit again, you were tipped over the edge into blissful orgasm.

"Yes, Bucky... fuck... Bucky..."


You woke up sweating as you shot up from your dream... at least what you thought to be a dream. You fisted the sheets in your hands as your orgasm washed over you. You expected to meet air as you rolled your hips up, but you were met with warm skin and a rough mustache. A wet heat slid through your slit and your ears were graced with a quiet, sexy groan as he drank up the remnants of your climax.

Pulling back the sheet, you were met with the most erotic image you had ever seen. Bucky's eyes were closed as he devoured your pussy. It was like he was eating the last meal of his life, savoring every drop. His hand was curled around his cock, the tip leaking with precum as he tugged his hand with the motions of his tongue. Watching the man you love get off to you was something you wanted to experience in full at a different time.

You moaned as you watched, tugging at his hair to bring his attention to you. He must have undressed you in your sleep, seeing as you both were completely naked. The blue in his eyes were barely visible as his pupils were blown wide with desire. His bottom lip was plump and red, coated with your juices. The flush in his cheeks burned red as he looked up at you like you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"Good morning," he whispered, his voice rough and uneasy.

You raked your hands through his soft, brown locks as you whispered back, "Good morning, Bucky."

He kissed the inside of your thigh before crawling up your body so he was hovering over you. His eyes roamed your face for a moment before pressing his lips against your, his tongue immediately invading your mouth. You softly whined as you tasted yourself on his tongue, the tanginess only making you crave him more.

His hips dipped to grind his aching cock against you, the tip pressing deliciously against your clit. He pulled back from the kiss and buried his face in your neck, groaned as he slid his cock through your folds.

"Fuck... you looked so good baby. I wanted to- shit, I wanted to give you a proper apology."

You tightened your thighs around his waist and flipped him over so you were on top. He scooted back so he could prop himself on the headboard as you rolled against him, coating the underside of his cock in your arousal. "You've already told me how sorry you are. Let me show you that I forgive you."

You lifted your hips and grabbed the base of his cock, lining him up with you. Bucky's hands grasped your hips, helping you lower yourself until he filled you completely. You were more sensitive than normal, which had you clenching around his shaft as you buried your face in his neck.

I Won't Give Up (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now