Chapter 1

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You woke up to the feeling of a giant laying on top of you. You let out a grunt as you slapped the back of Sam's head. He looked at you with fake shock as you let out a small laugh. "You had that coming Sammy. Why are you waking me up so early?"

Sam rolled over beside you and pulled you into his chest. "Me and cap are leaving in twenty for a recon mission. I had to see my monkey before I left."

You rolled your eyes at the nickname and cuddled into him, "You better come back with both wings attached."

Sam gave you a kiss on the forehead and continued to lay with you until Steve came knocking at your door to let him know it was time to leave. As Sam stood up, you jumped on his back and wrapped yourself around him. He stumbled a bit and balanced himself before gripping the underside of your thighs and walking out of the room mumbling, "and you wonder why I call you monkey..."

You laughed as he carried you to the hangar. As you entered the hangar, you saw Steve talking with Bucky beside the quinjet. Steve smiled when the two of you came in, but Bucky's face hardened at the sight of you. You hopped off Sam's back and walked up to the two super soldiers.

"You better bring my Sammy back in one piece, Rogers. I will not hesitate to rip your legs off if he gets hurt."

You put on your most threatening face and stared at Steve. You continued to stare at each other until the corners of Steve's lips started to twitch. The sight of him starting to break made you smile, wrapping your arms around his neck. Steve engulfed you in a hug and lifted you off the ground.

"I promise to bring Sam back in one piece. I'd really like to keep my legs."

You looked at him in amusement, "But why? Your shield doesn't even cover your legs. All the bad guys have to do is shoot your knee and they've won"

Steve rolled his eyes and gave you his best 'Captain' look, "(y/n)... I need my legs."

"Keep your promise and it won't be a problem."

You heard a loud scoff beside you, interrupting your playful banter. You turned to glare at Bucky as he looked annoyed at your conversation with Steve.

"Wilson is a grown ass man. He can take care of himself just like the rest of us," he said with a roll of his eyes.

You felt the energy surge in your chest as you stepped closer to Bucky. "Well Sam doesn't have abilities like the rest of us. Sam hasn't been trained like Natasha and Clint. He wasn't a lab rat like you." Bucky's jaw clenched at your words, his fists balling at his sides "So forgive me for caring about the safety of my friend."

Sam came up behind you and pulled you back by your forearms to get you away, but Bucky had to have the last word.

"I might be a lab rat, but at least someone wanted me."

The irises of your eyes began to glow an even brighter blue as your fingers began to capture energy between your fingertips. Steve gripped Bucky's bicep and pulled him back as Sam quickly stood in front of you and placed his hands on the sides of your face. "Calm down monkey. He's an annoying shit, but I'm sure he didn't mean it."

Sam continued to talk you down, but your eyes were locked on Bucky's. You could see Steve talking to him, but you were too angry to hear what he was saying. Sam brought one of his hands under your shirt and started to rub small circles on your lower back to ease your anger. The energy between your fingers began to dissipate as the tears in your eyes broke free.

Bucky's glare faltered for a second as his eyes followed the tear rolling down your cheek. He shrugged Steve's arm off as he stormed away. Steve turned back to you with apologetic eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off.

I Won't Give Up (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now