Chapter 9

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It's been two weeks since you and Bucky got together. The time was mainly spent sneaking around and hiding from Tony. The two of you got to know each other more as each day passed, making the feelings you have for him grow stronger. Not only that, but your fears seemed to grow with it.

You've never had these types of feelings before. Sure, you love the team, but the kind of love you were headed for made you want to hide away from the world. You were scared of what the future holds. The inevitable heartbreak you were bound to face stayed in the back of your mind, a constant irritant in your life. However, you were determined to make the most of your time with Bucky before he realizes he could do better than you.

Currently, you and Bucky were laying on the couch in the living room with Sam and Natasha. The two of them had recently decided to end their relationship, agreeing that they were better off being just friends. Nothing much had changed between them with the split, except for their current lack of sex.

"Seriously, (y/n). It's been five days without sex after getting laid almost every day for a month. I'm going crazy here," Nat ranted as she sat on the other couch. Sam shook his head beside her, letting out a small chuckle at her exaggerated suffering.

"I mean, my bed is always open for you. Just because we broke up doesn't mean we can't have sex," Sam offered as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

Nat scrunched her nose up at Sam, pushing his arm off her. "I'd rather fuck (y/n) than go back to an ex, no matter how great you are." Sam scoffed at her comment, putting his hand over his heart like he got shot.

You laughed as you nuzzled your nose in Bucky's neck, his hands softly massaging your thighs as you sat in his lap. The hum of appreciation from Bucky's lips encouraged you to press soft kisses along his neck, gently nipping at the corner of his jaw.

You could feel his dick hardening under your ass, his hands gripping your thighs and pressing you against it. You licked a slow line from his jaw to below his ear, tugging the lobe between your teeth. Bucky let out a small growl as his hips barely bucked up into you. He turned his head to face you, his breathing shallow as his lips brushed against yours. Your hand travelled up his chest, fingers dancing along the back of his neck.

"Where's my favorite daughter?"

Tony's voice boomed through the floor, making you quickly separate from Bucky and move to the end of the couch. Bucky placed his hands in his lap, trying to cover the obvious situation you had caused.

Tony walked in the room, looking between the two of you. He pondered for a moment before shaking his head and directing his attention to you. "Hello, my darling boots. Why do you look like you just got caught?"

The blush began to build on your face, your hands twitching nervously. You looked at your father and gave him your most convincing smile. "We're just chilling. What's up?"

Tony raised his eyebrow at you, glancing at Bucky who only stared at his hands. "I'm going to act like nothing weird is happening here. We're having a Christmas Party here tomorrow. I'm letting you know in advance so you can go shopping and get something nice."

You rolled your eyes, letting out a huff of annoyance. "It's not even Christmas yet. Why are we doing this now?"

"Because me and Pepper are leaving next week and won't be back until next year. Didn't I tell you?"

You contemplated his words carefully. On one hand, you were jealous that you weren't included in this vacation. However, this meant plenty of time with Bucky without having to sneak around. You faked a pouty face and said sarcastically, "No, you didn't tell me. It's so nice to be included in family trips."

I Won't Give Up (Bucky Barnes x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now