Chapter 8

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After taking a short nap, you and Bucky decided to get some lunch. You pulled on a pair of cotton shorts and one of your many stolen shirts from Sam's closet. When you turned to face Bucky, he was frowning at you. "Is that Sam's shirt?"

You rolled your eyes and answered, "Yes it is. I happen to have a lot of clothes that he continues to leave in my room."

Bucky's frown deepened at your answer, making you wrap your arms around his neck and stand on your toes to kiss him. His lips slightly turned upwards, but the scowl in his brows stayed. His hands travelled to your backside, grabbing your ass as he whispered, "I'll let you have all of my clothes if it means you won't wear his anymore."

You scoffed and pushed at his chest, making your way to the door as you spoke over your shoulder. "Give me the red Henley and maybe I'll consider your offer."

Bucky shook his head in amusement before following behind you. "Yes, ma'am."

You scanned the hallway to make sure your father wasn't around before walking out and making your way to the kitchen. When you walked in, you noticed Sam and Natasha on the couch in the living room. Nat's eyes followed your every move, making you raise your eyebrow as you grabbed a water from the fridge. You continued to stare at each other before Sam's voice filled the room.

"You do know the walls aren't soundproof, right? Like these walls are pretty damn thin. I don't need to be waking up to you two going at it."

You choked on your water, your face flushing red as you coughed. Bucky looked down at his feet beside you, hiding the blush on his face. Sam stared at the both of you in disgust as Natasha continued to watch the tv with a smirk on her face.

"Sorry Sammy. We'll make sure to be quieter," you awkwardly apologized. You turned back to the fridge, trying to find something to eat. Bucky wrapped his arms around you from behind and whispered teasingly in your ear, "No we won't."

You blushed and leaned back in his arms while you scanned the contents of the fridge. Seeing that nothing looked appealing, you decided on a frozen pizza. Once it was in the oven, you hopped on the counter and waited while it cooked. Bucky stood between your legs and held you by your hips. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. As his fingers rubbed at your hips, you winced slightly.

Bucky noticed your look of discomfort and looked at you in confusion before pulling the waistband of your shorts down slightly. Your hips had begun to bruise from earlier, making Bucky feel guilty. The fact that he had caused you pain made his stomach twist into knots. His brows furrowed as he stared at your bruises, the frown on his face deepening.

You pulled his hands from your hips, bringing them to your lips and looking him in the eyes. "Don't go looking sad on me, Bucky. These are good bruises."

You placed his hands on the back of your neck, holding them there as you pressed your lips against his. The kiss was soft and short, but let him know that you were okay. Bucky hummed as he licked his lips, eliciting a laugh from you. He smiled and held you closer by your waist, pressing his body against yours as he pulled you in for a deeper kiss.

You smiled into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. He parted from the kiss, trailing his lips along your neck. You tilted your head to the side, giving him better access as you bit back a moan. You became so lost in the moment that you forgot about the other people in the room. However, Sam always makes his presence known.

"Okay! I already had to hear y'all fucking. I don't need to see it too," Sam yelled, making the two of you break apart. You mumbled an apology, but Bucky seemed to have pieced together some very critical information. Bucky looked at Sam with wicked amusement as he spoke, "How would you wake up and hear us if you don't live on this floor?"

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