Chapter 10

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When you arrived at the main floor, the party was already in full swing. It looked like Christmas had exploded all over the place. There were lights strung all over the place with accents of green and red everywhere. In the corner, by the large window, was a huge Christmas tree decorated with mini versions of the team and those we consider allies.

Sam walked in right beside you with your arm looped through his. A few heads turned at the appearance of more people before going back to their own conversations. Sam had decided to keep his outfit simple with a classic black suit and tie. The two of you could have easily passed as a couple to any random person, but you were just grateful to have your best friend by your side.

As you and Sam walked further into the crowd, you were greeted by many important names that you would soon forget. You never thought you would be able to escape the firm grasp of the guests before your savior appeared.

"I think my darling daughter has been harassed enough. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to steal her for a dance. You can get your claws in her later."

The guests were barely able to hide their disappointment at Tony's request. He then pulled you to the dance floor, spinning you once and pulling you into his arms. The two of you swayed back and forth as "I'll Be Home for Christmas" played. You held your father's hand in yours as you rested the other on his shoulder. You couldn't help but snicker at the irony of the song playing.

"It's funny that this song is playing considering you and Pepper won't be home for Christmas. Where is she anyways?" you asked as you rested your head against Tony's chest.

You could feel the vibrations of his chest as he laughed. "It is ironic, isn't it? She had some things to finish up at the office. The woman needs a break. And before you get all worried, you'll still get your presents. I put Happy in charge of hiding them, so don't go looking. We both know they won't be hard to find."

Tony stepped back, spinning you again and dipping you in time with the end of the song. The sound of applause filled the room, everyone watching the beautiful father-daughter dance. You awkwardly nodded your head in acknowledgement and kissed Tony's cheek before making your way to the bar where you were sure Bucky would be.

Low and behold, you could see the golden trio standing at the edge of the bar having a laugh. Sam was the first to see you, giving you a wink before acting like he hadn't seen you. Bucky and Steve had their backs to you, so you walked as quietly as possible. When you were right behind Bucky, you slowly raised your hands, preparing to scare him.

"I suggest you put those hands down, doll."

You dropped your arms, pouting as Bucky turned around. The smug look on his face lasted for only a second before being replaced with a look of pure shock. His eyes raked down your figure, taking in every inch of your dress. You took the time to admire him as well, his typical black suit and black dress shirt looking handsome as ever. The only difference was the red bow tie he was sporting.

Your eyes returned to each other's at the same time, a playful glint in Bucky's. "Well damn. I don't know if I love how gorgeous the dress is on you, or if I hate how every man is looking at you right now," Bucky said as he stepped closer to you.

His hands went to pull you close out of instinct, but you grabbed his hands before he could. "Hands to yourself, babe. You look amazing as always. Did you wear the bow tie to match me?"

A soft blush crept up Bucky's face as he scratched the back of his neck. "I might have asked Nat if I should or not after you told me your dress was red. She thought it was a good idea."

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