Ending Note

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Hello my lovely readers! I'm going to take some time to explain what has been going on in my life recently and what will be happening in the future. As you have seen, I have integrated the first chapter of the second installment into this as an epilogue. My reasoning for this is that, in all honesty, I have lost my inspiration. I thought that forcing myself to start again would bring back my inspiration, but it didn't. I couldn't in good conscious force out story I didn't enjoy anymore. I love this story so much, but I think it is better to leave it as it is. I'm sorry for the disappointment you may feel. Just know that I did try.

One of the reasons I lost inspiration was that I became completely engrossed in college and work, so I prioritized that over my writing. I never want my writing to feel like a chore, and that is the state I've been in for the past year. I have written and rewritten so many times and have yet to be pleased with any outcome. I want to love writing, but I haven't loved it in a while. I'm trying to get back into it, but it will take some work.

With that being said, I want to explore other stories. I want to work with other characters in other fandoms and potentially an original work. I've had so many ideas for other stories, but I can't seem to get back into this story. I love every single one of you and I am so sorry to do this. I hope y'all understand where I am coming from and can forgive me. Thank you all for being so patient and overall awesome human beings. I truly have the best readers in the entire world. 💙

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