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Chapter 271Works: of: Category: Word Count: 2161 Updated: 17-06-12 00:01

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Leng Mubai immediately smiled and said, "Why is there no more, my wife, I am your most loyal fan, what you like, I also like, what you hate, I hate, what you want, even the moon in the sky, I I will try to get the moon off for you too."

Hu Haoyang turned to the side with his meal, and the Eagle King turned on the shameless mode again. He seemed to say loudly that the person in front of him is definitely not the Eagle King of the Falcons, and the person in front of him will not be the general marshal of City A base.

"Puff! Knowing you are the best, so Aijia rewards you with a piece of fat." Xia Mo picked up a piece of fat and stuffed it into Leng Mubai's mouth.

Leng Mubai squinted his eyes and said with enjoyment, "It's delicious, how come the food my wife gave is so delicious!"

"Poor mouth." Xia Mobai glanced at Leng Mubai, then smiled and said about Wang Yi.

Speaking of Wang Yi, Hu Haoyang also sat down. When Xia Mo finished speaking, he coldly said, "Eagle King, this kid is very powerful. He can break the password on the satellite. Didn't you tell me to build a network system? If this kid's background is okay, I want this kid to work on my side, do you think it is feasible."

"Yangzi, you are going to grab someone from your sister-in-law," Xia Mo yelled unhurriedly.

Hu Haoyang immediately said, "Ahem! Sister-in-law, you think the development of the network is the top priority now. You see, if the network is not developed, even if there is a computer, the students will not learn what it is."

Xia Mo still refused to give in, and continued to firmly say, "That's how it is said, but it's just a computer teacher. If you want people to leave, who will I teach computer classes."

"Sister-in-law..." Hu Haoyang looked at Xia Mo pleadingly.

Xia Mo gave me a little bit, "Will you find a computer teacher for me, or wait for me to recruit a new computer teacher, and I'm taking people away."

Hu Haoyang continued with a bitter expression, "But..."

"Okay, it's a very simple question. How can you two make it so complicated?" Leng Mubai shook his head helplessly. "There is only one class per computer class. The courses are all scheduled in the morning, so in the afternoon, let him report to the network intelligence station. It would be better to do two jobs for one person and double the salary."

Hu Haoyang's eyes lit up, and he immediately said to Xia Mo with a smile, "Sister-in-law, this is all right!"

Xia Mo shrugged, "The premise is that he can pass the test with a good character."

"Hurry up and eat, it will be cold for a while." Leng Mubai said immediately when Xia Mo had a lot of food.

Leng Mubai spoke. Neither Xia Mo nor Hu Haoyang were talking. They buried themselves in the food, and after eating, Leng Mubai pulled Xia Mo back into the car, let Xia Mo rest on her lap and take a nap. , He himself is still looking at the information.

Xia Mo slept for half an hour, and there were already a lot of applicants. Leng Mubai had no plans to wake him up because of it, but it was too noisy outside and she was woken up.

Speaking to Leng Mubai, and sending off Leng Mubai, Xia Mo began to continue recruiting. It was obviously better to go down than in the morning, and there were fewer people who came to get through.

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