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Chapter 1 Rebirth before the end of the worldWorks: of: Category: Word Count: 2099 Updated: 17-04-17 16:06

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"Mom, you should wake up."

"Son." The girl on the single bed got up from the bed and habitually looked around.

There are no instruments, no utensils, no horrible specimens, and no researchers in white clothes.

The girl looked around in confusion, whether she was dreaming or was she really rescued.

Countless mornings, countless fainting and waking up, she would look around like now. She hoped that she would leave the research room in a different place as soon as she opened her eyes, but she never left that place in reality or in dreams. , And never left.

And now everything in front of her has changed, but why is she still the same confused and afraid.

Also, son, where is the son.

"Son, son, where are you." The girl hurriedly got up and looked around, but there was no son in the small room.

"Ahhhhh! You beasts, return your son to me." The girl yelled like a lunatic, picking up the things next to him and smashing it, until he smashed everything that could be smashed in the house, and then she heard it again. That childish voice.

"Ahem! Mom, if you keep making trouble like this, your son and I will really be troubled by you."

"Um!" The girl finally calmed down, looking around looking for her son's whereabouts, but there was still nothing, and the son's voice just passed directly into the brain, rather than from the ear, "Where are you son," Why can't I see you."

"Hey! Mom was confused before, no wonder he didn't even know who my dad was."

"Son, stop joking with mom, okay, come out quickly, obediently." The woman knelt on the ground fragilely, tears falling down again.

She doesn't care about anything except her son. Son is her life. As long as she encounters his son, she will be like a madman who can't think about the problem.

For three years, she was locked up in the laboratory for three years, watching her son's small body being cut with a scalpel again and again and then stitched up again and again, but she did not have any ability to protect her son, so as long as she met her son She will go crazy and can't think about problems normally.

"Oh! Mom, do you want to agree to accept the name I gave myself first? What kind of Xia Zhibao you took is so ugly, I don't like it."

The level of his mother's name selection is really inadequate. Although she meant that he was her treasure, she really doesn't sound good!

"Okay, I promise you." The girl is really worried about her son, so as long as she can see her son at this time, she doesn't mind listening to her son.

"YES, I will call Xia Yehan from now on!"

Hearing her son's happy voice, the girl twitched her mouth. Her son obviously had a small fleshy face, and a cute, terrible kid, but he wanted to use such a cold name.

Hey! I don't know what the son thinks, but he has protested many times because of his name, and she agreed just now. As long as the son comes out, he will let him choose his own name, so she obviously feels that Ye Han is not as good as Zhibao, so she nodded and agreed. .

Rebirth apocalypse: the military commander's strongest sweet wifeWhere stories live. Discover now