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Chapter 111Works: of: Category: Word Count: 2142 Updated: 17-04-25 20:15

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In the morning, when Xia Mo was still asleep, Leng Mubai had already gone downstairs. Wang Qian and the others had already exercised in the yard. This was an indispensable thing every day. This was a habit brought by their long military career.

Even in a small yard, a group of people can get good exercise, even sweating profusely.

Xia Chenyu didn't know when he was leaning at the door and watching them exercise. Leng Mubai stopped and walked over. Xia Chenyu handed him a cigarette and lit one himself.

"Mo'er said Zhou Xiaotong was the girl who was kicked out by her."

Leng Mubai suddenly said such a sentence, Xia Chenyu looked at Leng Mubai "What."

"The first time you took home, the girl who finally threw others out of the house because of Mo'er was Zhou Xiaotong."

Xia Chenyu tried hard to recall that he almost forgot that there was such a person, but only when Leng Mubai reminded him that the girl was indeed Zhou Xiaotong.

"She said so to retaliate against Mo'er."

"It should be! Where is this person now."

"I don't know, Zhou's family crashed and she disappeared. At that time, I was also busy collecting supplies, so I didn't take care of her."

That is still alive, Leng Mubai said depressedly, "She had better not show up again, otherwise I won't let her go."

"I won't let her go." How could he let a woman approach him with a conspiracy, a woman who dared to calculate his sister.

After being silent for a while, Xia Chenyu said again, "Let Mo'er get up! Go and see her sister-in-law, the girl is crying so badly, I said nothing to me."

"Successful." Leng Mubai didn't have any comments, and walked to the second floor with strides, and returned to the room. His little white rabbit was still asleep. Leng Mubai leaned over and kissed her lips, his tongue slid in In her mouth, she unscrupulously seized her sweetness.

"Hmm!" Meng Ruoli opened her eyes in confusion and looked at him.

Leng Mubai reluctantly withdrew from her mouth, and kissed her "wife, awake."

Xia Mo glared at him blushingly, which was not a good thing for him.

"Haha! Get up! Go downstairs to see your sister-in-law, your brother said he was crying!"

"Brother is really..." Xia Mo rolled her eyes, and people would cry. He must have been bullied by him!

Although she felt very upset, Ye Jin was still crying, and she couldn't stop seeing it, so she got up to wash, and then went downstairs. Originally, she was going directly to Ye Jin's room with Xia Chenyu, but Leng Mubai directly took it. People dragged into the dining room and watched her eat breakfast before letting them go.


"Xiao Jin, I'm here." Xia Mo knocked on the door, and then opened the door after talking to Ye Jin.

Ye Jin pulled the quilt to cover herself, only showing one head outside. Seeing Xia Mo, she cried even harder, "Woo! Xiao Mo."

Xia Mo hurriedly climbed onto the bed and sat down beside Ye Jin. Ye Jin immediately jumped into her arms, crying heartbreakingly.

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