The Night Before

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Meredith woke up to a shining light on her face,  she groggily found her way to the window and shut the blinds angrily.  She looked over to her husband Derek rolled up in his blankets and then walked into the kitchen. She grabbed milk from the fridge and set it on the counter gently trying not to wake up baby Ellis. She practically tip-toed to the pantry and grabbed Fruity Pebbles. They were Zola's favorite cereal and they had honestly grown on her.

She finished her bowl of cereal and walked to Zola's and Bailey's room to shake them awake. She retraced her steps back to their room and woke Derek up so he could take care of the kids while she answered a page for a consult.

The car ride was lonely and quiet. She didn't like it, reminded her too much of when Derek left for D.C. In order to distract herself she turned on the radio on. She anxiously drummed on the wheel while waiting for the light to turn green. She was still in her pajamas, praying that my scrubs were in her locker or that she didn't leave them at home.

Amelia was upset that she voted for Derek to have his seat back on the board. It was unanimous but nonetheless still it still hurt her, which pained Meredith she liked her and they had gotten close when Derek was gone. She tried to explain to her that it wasn't personal but everything about it was. She longed for him when he was gone and when she wasn't pining she was crying. The best way to put it was Despair. He chose something over her, over their family. The life they had built, just to boost his ego.

Before she knew it she was in the parking lot clenching her purse to her side. She took the first elevator and went towards the locker room and grabbed her Navy Blue scrubs and slipped on her shoes. She tied her bleach blonde hair into a ponytail.

She walked over to room 2792 and saw Bailey standing over the patient's bedside.

"Good morning Mr. Wilson, how are we feeling today" She hummed.

"I was feeling fine until the middle of last night, when I got this massive Migraine that hadn't gone away." The patiently replied rather bitterly.

"Page Neuro." Bailey said to Edwards. She was one of the most proving residents, determined, confident, basically anything that you'd look for in a surgeon.

"On it." she said in hushed tone, mindful of his migraine.

"I will be back in to check on you in a hour or so okay?"


She grabbed her keys and headed straight to her car for the trip home. She had to throw Ellis's stuffed elephant off the passengers seat to set her purse down.  Repeated the same sequence she did to get to the hospital except she was going home to Derek, to her family. Everything felt fine except for the fact she was so infuriated with the world. Her husband chose his job over her and his family. Amelia can't stand in the same room as Meredith for supporting her husband. She only sees her kids in the early morning or before they go to bed.  Her hand grasped the wheel using all her strength. She held her grip on the wheel until her hands were deprived of color.

When she pulled the car into the driveway she saw Derek rocking Ellis on the porch with Zola and Bailey playing on the swing set.  Her anger faded quicker then it had came over her. He was so nurturing the exact opposite of what she had growing up. His embrace enchanted her, She cracked a smile and parked the S.U.V in the driveway.

"Good Afternoon." She grinned happily to her husband.

"Shut up I just got her to sleep!" He whispered in a hushed tone jokingly.

She glared at him and walked over to Zola pushing Bailey on the swings. Their eyes were so huge and full of curiosity, no idea of how inhumane the world really was. Bailey shoved his hands in her face, they were gross and sticky.

"Woah big boy, let's get you cleaned up!" She spoke in a worried tone, she definitely was not a boy mom.  She then looked over to Zola and continued the conversation by asking her if she'd like to help clean up her little brother.

She grabbed her children's cold slimy hands and walked them through the french doors of their house as her husband kissed her forehead.  She started to fill the tub with water for Bailey and helped him wash his dirt ridden hands. As his bath was filling up, she walked to the kitchen to boil a pot of water to make dinner for the kids. She then changed Zola's princess outfit to her pajama's and finally put Bailey into his bath.

She heard the front door open and looked over to see Derek rocking Ellis back and forth before setting her down to sleep for the night. Bailey finished washing up and Meredith helped him into a fresh change of clothes. Before walking towards the stove to finish the Mac & Cheese she'd been cooking. She split it into two bowls for Zola and Bailey.  As soon as they finished their meals she brought them to their rooms and sang them their favorite lullaby. Bailey liked the "Row Your Boat" and Zola liked "Itsy Bitsy Spider". They were so little yet had such big personalities such as Bailey saying "Funny." before every sentence. Yet Zola knew simple multiplication problems at age eight and has huge dreams of becoming a Neurosurgeon like her father. She admired them. They made her world turn round. She wanted to protect them from everything.

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