Last Words of a Shooting Star

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Meredith arrived at Sadie's door around three in the morning. Mascara running down her face and eyes red. Her hair was tied in a messy bun. Her knocks on the door were gentle trying not to wake anyone up if they were sleeping.

A man with a petite figure answered the door.

"Oh, I am so sorry. Does Sadie not live here?" She whispered.

"No she does, I'm sorry are you okay?" He asked.

Meredith now realizing mascara ran down her face. Her hand ran up to wipe her face.

"Yes, no, it doesn't matter. Can you grab her?"

"Yeah." he answered back as if it was a question.

"Death?" Sadie asked happily before seeing her tear stained face.

"Hey." She said.

"Come on in." She said as she walked her into the loft. "Well first of all you need to explain why you are here and crying like it's the end of the world."

Meredith smiled with tears streaming down her face . "Do you want to know what's funny? I got attacked and now I don't remember the past five years of my life." She said laughing through her tears. "I don't remember my kids." She smiled uncomfortably while choking up.

Sadie stared with wide eyes. Her mouth hung open.
"So in order to fix that, you ran away." She spoke while staring at the backpack hanging around her arm.

"You're one to talk!"

On the other hand at home. Derek was searching for answers. He came across one of Meredith's diary's. This one in particular the recent pages were her rewriting her goodbye note but, a in-particular sentence broke his heart. It read

When you tell everyone about me. Can you tell them what you saw in me and not what I turned out to be?

Derek called her at least two hundred times throughout the day. Not realizing she left her phone at home. He grabbed his keys and headed to the hospital for some type of answer.  He entered the corridors of hospital and spotted Bailey.

"When were you going to tell me my own wife quit and fled the city?!"

"I'm going to need you to track back, she ran away?" She replied with her jaw practically touching the floor. "She told me she needed time off so I figured you two had talked. She left? For real?"

"I found out through a note on my kitchen counter." He spoke with tears filling up in his eyes. "She won't answer her phone and she left everything."

Baileys face grew with more concern as she ran to grab her phone to see if any calls were missed. 

"She left with no warning? Doesn't sound like Grey."

"All I keep replaying in my head is this memory from when we had just gotten Zola. We all sat around the tv watching a stupid kid show. She had Zola in her lap and just had a spark in her eyes like I had never seen. She was just so happy to be watching tv with her daughter. Zola started roaring at the lion we had picked for her at the hospital. She immediately was just filled with this happiness. Proud. She was so proud Zola that she put those two things together. All of that was just taken away from her in a instance. She didn't deserve it. She just doesn't." He cried not realizing he was rambling.

"We will find her and we will call everyone we can until we get her location."

On the other hand at Sadies house Meredith was a mess.

"Oh my god. What did I do? I left my perfect life and husband." She slammed her hands on the counter.

"You can go back, Derek will understand." Sadie tried to reassure her.

"No. I am breaking him every second, I don't know who my kids are."

"Don't you want to at least have another chance to know them." She made a point

"Shut up, I am finding a hotel in the morning. He deserves better. I love him enough to let him go. In fact I think i'm going to leave." She walked towards the door.

"What that's it? I don't see you for years and you come by sobbing and leave?"

Meredith stood in shock.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I don't remember all the years I didn't see you. The last year I remember is you fucking around and having other interns cut you open. I come here for help or a place to stay. I have the curtsey to leave seeing you were uncomfortable. God. I can't believe I ever dated you. A time where I am in need and you make this about you? Bye Sadie."

She left the loft with her backpack hanging over her shoulder. She rummaged through the bag to find her keys. Once found she headed to the car not knowing where to head to. She flipped her head to look at the backseat that was filled with stuffed animals and toys that belonged to her children. She was finally heading out of Washington in search for a new life that she didn't really even want.

Alex called Derek multiple times wondering why the hell he wasn't picking up his kids. He entered the hospital with Ellis in her car seat and Jo with her hands intertwined between Zola's and Bailey's.

"Oh my God." Alex complained. "You're at the hospital but can't pick up your own damn kids?"

"Meredith ran away."

"Is that supposed to be funny? Or...?" His head turned to Baileys which showed the obvious answer was no.

"Derek and I called everyone we could think of and they have no idea where she is."

"Even Thatcher?" Alex questioned.

"Why would she flee to her dad that never took care of her?" He asked pissed off.

"What about Sadie? I mean they were best-friends for like five years."

Derek grabbed the phone without hesitation and called the number that belonged to her. It rang a few times before a loud voice came through the other line.

"Hello?" Sadie mumbled after waking up once again from her slumber.

"Have you seen Meredith?"

"Uh.." She tried thinking of what to do since she had promised Meredith she wouldn't say anything but on the other hand she also knew that she didn't want her to be found dead in a ditch. "Yes actually. She stopped over here around like two or three in the morning sobbing her eyes out."

Derek sighed a breathe of relief.

"But she left because of a stupid fight we had. I don't know where she is now. I'm sorry I wish I could be more help."

"What's your address?"

"2598 on West Blvd."

He hung up the phone and ran to the car leaving behind Alex and his children as if it was something he was destined to do.

His hands gripped the wheel as if he would die if he didn't. He pressed on the gas and headed towards Sadie's.

(A/N thank you all for 1k reads!! i feel so honored with all the interactions.)

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