The Sound of Silence

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The day started out with the normal routine. Wake up, eat breakfast, wake the kids up for school, wake up Derek, leave for the hospital. In the middle of making my breakfast Ellis woke up screaming at the top of her lungs. Meredith wondered to myself how such a small baby could make such a loud sound.  She rushed over to the nursery and picked her up. She gave her a bottle and went to wake Derek up with a gentle kiss on his forehead.

She walked to her purse and grabbed her keys off the counter and left for the hospital, she picked up Alex and Jo from the house her intern class had shared years back. When they made their way to the hospital they were stuck in serious traffic.

"What the hell is this shit?" She blurted as her hands hit the wheel.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Alex replied to my overreaction to the traffic.

"Yeah I know, Ellis was crying this morning and something just feels so off. Since Derek has gotten home it hasn't felt the same. I feel like i'm losing him."

"That's just plain sad." Jo mumbled.

"Why has no one moved?" She redirected the conversation.

"Not sure.."

As if God was answering their question at least three ambulances were chasing after one another to get to Grey-Sloan.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Jo chirped.

"So what we just leave my car here?" She replied.


"Are you fucking kidding me Alex?" She sighed. "Fine!"

Before she knew it they were chasing through the cars after the ambulance like they would ever catch up. Sooner then later they were there. Alex and Jo had taken people burned from the crash. As for Mer, she had a victim named Lou, he was kind and talked to her about his children. His face was so bright when he talked about his daughter Anne.  In the middle of their conversation he had started seizing.

"Roll him over, Wilson." She demanded. "Wilson what do we do if he doesn't stop seizing?"

"Uh,  damn it!" She shouted.

"It's okay Wilson, push phenobarbital into his I.V."

He stopped seizing slowly after. She asked the nurse to get new sheets since the previous ones were stained with blood and drool.

"It's no rush but, if you could get Neuro for a consult I'd appreciate it." She spoke to Ben before he left the room.

While everyone was on their own little mission she decided to pass time by filling in his chart. She then went over to check for equal breathing sounds.

"Okay,sounds even.." She mumbled to herself as  she typed. She started to hear groans of pain behind her. She looks to see Lou standing up off of the trauma table. She hastily tried to push him back down as gently as possible but he resisted and pushed her.

"You need to get back in the bed Lou." The blonde suggested. All of a sudden his arms go for her neck and she feels the most helpless she has ever felt. She. attempts to fight back with her arms wrapping around his. Her head hits the medicine cabinet and she feel herself start to bleed. He then flipped her on the table and proceeded to beat her. Everything stung and everything was blurry. She ended up on the floor in a pile of her own spit, blood, tears and drool. Finally Lou begins to seize relieving her of his attack. She had never felt so happy for someone to be not in good health but deep down she felt horrible. She prayed to God that someone would find her.

She slipped in and out of conscienceness. It's a challenge to breath and her body stung. Her jaw feels out of place. Anything that doesn't cause her discomfort is numb. Her fingers tap the floor as if they were doing a dance or trying to regain feeling. Tap Tap Tap. She sees people walking by but, she is too weak to even speak. In fact even if she tried, she couldn't. Tap Tap Tap. She begins to hear Lou in obvious pain behind her.  Tap Tap Tap. She can finally hear the door open.

"Woah, what the hell!?" She hears Jo yell. "I need some help in here now!" She lets herself lose consciousness knowing she was in good hands or at least that's the excuse she gave herself.

Her eyes fluttered open abruptly. She soon regrets her decision as she is now the one laying on a trauma table with almost every chief of surgery on the floor, besides Amelia. A oxygen mask is around her face. She can't hear. Her vision is blurry. Has anyone called Derek?  Everyone's mouth seems to be moving but no words are coming out.

Amelia walks in the trauma room. "We're here what do you need-" Her snarky remark was ended by the realization Meredith is lying on the table in pain. Guilt creeped over her as she had a choice between another consult or hers but her jealousy led her to the wrong choice.

Stephanie speaks up. " Doctor shepherd? Doctor shepherd? Doctor shepherd?!"

Amelia sinks to the ground distraught of what she had done. She should've been there. She could've protected her. What was she going to tell her brother?

"Obvious dislocation of the jaw.." Jackson spoke.

Empty. That's how Meredith felt. Empty.

She feels a slit made on her stomach and a chest tube inserted. She gasps for air followed by multiple coughs of pain. And just like that her consciousness is lost again.

Empty. Tap. Empty. Tap. Empty. Tap.

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