Band-Aids Cover the Bullethole

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Meredith lied there in agony unable to move. She heard people talking beside her but, she can't decipher what they're saying. All she can hear is mumbling. Certain noises. But all she could wish is that they'd shut up. The talking made her head throb in pain.

"Will she be herself if she wakes up?" Derek asked.

"We can't be sure she could have motor deficits, you know this." Koracick replied.

She felt a hand cup her cheek. She figured it was Derek's. Her hand immediately shot up to grab Derek's but instead her hand stayed still.

Anytime someone touched the injured girl, a sharp pain shot through her head. As if someone was stabbing her with a thousand needles at once. Deep down she wished everyone would leave the room and leave her the hell alone. Except she couldn't tell them that. She couldn't talk. Move. Eat. Simply can't do anything.

All of a sudden she felt a dressing being put on her head and can't help but feel pain.

"I have to get the kids Mer." Derek whispered hoping she could hear him. Before he left he planted a kiss on his wife's lifeless looking body.

"Don't go." is what the poor girl wanted to say but yet she sat there unable to open her eyes or move just this intense pain.

He walked over to the daycare on his way to pick up Bailey and Zola. Alex took care Ellis since Derek couldn't trust Amelia with her. Amelia could be the reason his wife is gone. He appreciated Alex always being there for Meredith since Cristina had left for Switzerland.

Amelia tried to stop Derek in the hall. "Derek, I am so so sorry, please forgive me." She cried
He ignored her attempts to apologize.

"When can we see mommy?" Zola asked him in a innocent tone.

"Mommy got sick Zozo and now she has to sleep to get better." He spoke in a hush tone trying to not show her he'd been crying.

He and Alex took shifts watching Mer in the quiet room that had once been filled with joy and laughter was now filled with the body of a girl who made it all possible. She was an amazing wife but, an excellent mother. Always played with them and listened to their stories that made no sense. They turned her world and she turned theirs. Derek texted Alex and asked if  he could watch Zola and Bailey . Him being the kind hearted man he was said yes.

Derek made his way back to the room and sat in the chair by her. He held her hand in his and talked to her throughout the day. She enjoyed it even though the action hurt her. It was bittersweet.

Meredith attempted to use all her power to tap his hand with her finger to show Derek she was there. She succeed.

"Mer?" He said raising his voice with slight excitement which sent needles down her scalp.

Stop. Stop doing that. Just stop.

She stopped soon after due to the pain she felt from Derek raising his voice. He didn't mean it. If he had known, he wouldn't. She knew that.

Alex and Jo were back at the house taking care Zola and Bailey they had the put down Ellis for a nap after feeding her a bottle. Everything seemed off without Meredith as if she made the world go around.

At the hospital Meredith tried to move her fingers again. All she could do was lift two fingers. Derek was proud. Tom confirmed that she'd most likely wake up by the end of the night.

Eventually hours later her eyes fluttered open. She was wide eyed. Confused. Her eyes scanned the room for answers but was very soon interrupted by her coughing on her endotracheal tube. Bailey got paged and she ran to the room as quick as she could. She extubated the tube out of her throat. Which was soon followed by more painful coughs. As soon as the coughs finished, her hands shot to her head. And her eyes shot closed as she winced in pain.  "Lights." She mumbled. Derek ran to turn off the lights as fast as he could.

She soon opened her eyes again. As Tom entered the room to do a Nero exam.

"Can you follow the light?" He said shining a bright light in her eyes. This only made Meredith close her eyes again.

"I guess we can check again later.." He said in a hushed tone.

"Do you know who I am?" Derek asked.

"You're um..uh..Derek." Her voice was small and insecure sounding.

"Yeah." He said grinning.

"Hurts." Her hands rose to her head feeling a bandage wrapped around her head.

"Do you want to see the kids? They've been waiting to see you?"

"What?" Meredith asked confused. Derek asked the same question again but in a louder tone. "No, I heard you." She started. " We don't have kids Derek, stop fucking with me. It's not nice to do that to injured patients." Her tone indicating she knew nothing of her kids existence.

Bailey grabbed Dereks arm and pulled him into the hall. "It's most likely Post Traumatic Amnesia."

They walked out of the room."It's just..she knew Ellis's name before I even knew of her existence. Always and I mean always knew what was wrong with Zola. And with Bailey she always could calm him down from his loud screaming fits. she has no memory of them? She loves them so much. I just don't want a piece of my wife to be gone." His voice shaking.

"Go check on your wife, she needs you." Bailey spoke in a concerned tone.

"Derek i'm a resident and you're an attending. We don't have time for a kid not to mention multiple kids." She spoke with a smile on her face.

"You're not a resident, you're an attending Mer. We have three children. Their names are Zola, Bailey, and Ellis."

"Why would I name my own kid after my absent mother?" she stated. "You're being weird. Also I respect Bailey but, I would never name my kid after her." she said feeling more concerned.

"His full name is Derek Bailey Grey Shepherd but, we call him Bailey so it isn't confusing." He tried explaining to his wife.

He went to grab his wallet from his back pocket. In it was a crumbled photo that pictured her holding Ellis while Bailey and Zola sat beside her. He passed the photo to her.

He was met with a confused face which then turned upset. "What kind of monster doesn't remember their own kids. You don't deserve this. Go home." She spoke through her voice breaking. "Go away."

"She's mad at you." Koracick snickered before entering the room. Obviously unaware.

"I'm back to do the consult, I just need you to follow the light with your eyes." She did the instructions as followed indicating she was okay.

A few hours later she was in the room alone except all that was interrupted by Zola who was ignorant of the situation. "Mommy!"

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