Lost in Battle

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Day Thirty Nine

Meredith sat angry staring out the window bored. Derek was at home with the kids, of course texting her every five minutes. Short little texts like "How are you?" and "Feeling better?".  All she wanted to say was "For your information I'm not okay and I am stuck alone in the hospital I work at with no work to do. "

Nurse Reynold's gave her orders to start putting pressure on her leg today. She is getting the wires out of her teeth today. Meredith grabbed a mirror and grinned showing her teeth. It was going to be weird to see her reflection without a jail cell trapping her teeth from ever moving. Her fingers traced the braces. It had been twelve days since her panic attack or more importantly since she had last seen her kids. The bruises started to fade but most were still light shades of green and purple. Her phone started ringing with a name that read Derek on the screen. She hung up the phone.

Meredith: How am I supposed to talk to you if my teeth are chained together?

Derek: Oh yeah..

Meredith: Really insensitive..

She giggled at their little interaction. Alex entered the room with pliers.

"You ready to get freed cave man?" Alex smiled at her. She rolled her eyes in response to his idiotic comment. She grinned her teeth as he got the wires out of her mouth. She immediately opened her mouth and breathed in the air.

"Can I get discharged now?"

"Have you walked on your foot?"

Silence entered the room.

" Well then not today."

She threw her remote at him as he left the room. She texted Derek and asked if the kids were up to see her which he replied with a "I'm very sorry but, they are kind of scared of you" type text. She visibly frowned and was determined to stand on her leg or even walk. She was in pain and was going to talk herself out of it. "No, you're going to walk." She thought to herself.

She sat forward on the bed and pushed herself up. " Jesus Christ ow.." Yet she pushed forward she had to do it for them. A part of her felt she was being selfish all she wished was for Derek to be there to help her walk. She set one foot forward and let her hands release from the bed. She had made it to the door of her room before her legs started shaking and pins and needles stung her feet. As if gravity stopped her whole body crashed to the floor. She started crying not because of the physical pain but the mental anguish. Amelia passed the poor girl's room and stopped in her tracks.

"Mer, what the hell happened?" She asked

"I don't know." She sobbed as she felt embarrassed that she was in a hospital gown on the floor crying.

"Edwards grab me a wheel chair." She demanded.

"On it!" She said as she got the chair.

Amelia asked her a lot of questions. Oh how that women loved to talk. She ended up leaving for a consult and contacting Derek to update him about the fall.  When she left she had told her he was on his way with Ellis.

A hour passed and Derek entered the room with Ellis in her car seat.

"Someone wanted to cheer you up." He beamed.

He unbuckled her car seat to pick her up and pass her to Meredith. He dressed her up in a Penguin onesie. She giggled as she held her in her arms.

"Derek why did you dress our baby up like a penguin?"

He smirked and replied with a "Why not?", trying to receive a chuckle from his wife. "The rest of her clothes were dirty and I didn't have time to clean any."

Meredith smiled. She rocked her daughter back and forth while Derek and her talked. Suddenly Meredith's movements came to a halt as she stared in a blank gaze at the wall. Derek snapped his fingers in front of her for some kind of response.  He pulled Ellis out of her arms quickly. After that he tried to have her follow his finger with still no response. He ran to her call button. "Damn it Mer.." Her gaze didn't break until her head jolted back and smacked her pillow repeatedly.

Amelia ran into the room. " She's seizing book an O.R!"  Meredith's body shook for two minutes until it finally stopped.  While they pushed the gurney out to surgery. Ellis had been crying from all the commotion. Callie had entered the room to see Derek with a obviously concerned look on his face. Callie took Ellis away from Derek's arms.

"She had a fall earlier..and I knew."

Callie grabbed his hand and stared him in the face. "You wouldn't have known if there was a brain bleed or-"

Her words were cut off by Derek taking his hands away from her grasp.

"No you don't get it Callie, this is my specialty and Amelia's how the hell did neither of us think to check!" He cried as his anger turned to sadness.

Amelia turned to Meredith slurring her words.
"Ellis?" Amelia told the anesthesiologist to sedate her.  "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.." Amelia whispered to herself.

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