It's the End of The World

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Trigger Warning

They arrived at a near by hospital about twenty minutes after Derek found her lifeless body. She was completely pale and freezing. Again, wondering if she'd ever wake up.  The thought paralyzed him. Yet he couldn't even stay at the hospital with her. His kids were waiting for him since they hadn't seen him much for the past few weeks. He figured with the circumstances he could stop and see the kids for a few hours and then return with clothes for Meredith.

Derek felt his gut wrench while leaving. The thought of her dying or waking up without him being there killed him. She'd be left in a hospital, she didn't even recognize. With not one person she knew.

Sooner then later he was at home greeted with Alex and Jo. Zola ran up to Derek squealing, Bailey soon followed his big sisters footsteps. Jo handed Derek the car seat which held baby Ellis in it.

"Thank you." He said as he picked up his fragile daughter.

"Of course, any news about Mer?" Alex joined into the conversation.

"I found her.." He stopped himself. "I will call you later."

Zola had a thousand questions as she was a bright little girl. He set Bailey and Zola down on the couch to return to Ellis who was crying. It had been three months since she lost memory and four since she had been home in good health. She knew certain bits and pieces but didn't know how to connect the two together. Which is what frustrated her the most. It could take months or years to regain memory.  Or the chance she would never.

Hours went by and he put the kids to bed. He sat Ellis down in her cradle by his side. He opened the drawers to find her fresh clothes. While searching he found an old iPod of hers. He decided to take a break and search the old device. The iPod contained a lot of playlists but at the bottom one read Derek. He grinned sadly at the iPod and stuffed it in his pocket as a reminder. Once he heard the doorbell ring he ran to it. He muttered a quick thanks before grabbing the bag and leaving.

He arrived at the hospital and basically jogged to the nearest elevator. The elevator couldn't move fast enough. No one questioned him. She still hadn't woken up. She looked fragile like she could break if anyone dared to lay a finger on her. He walked into the room and set the bags down on the chair that sat next to her bed. He took her hand in his own. How did they get here? One moment she's driving to work and the next she is laying in a hospital bed with slit wrists wondering if she'd survive. They had finally gotten happy to it be swept away in the blink of an eye.

Derek grabbed one of Meredith's journals she had written in. He flipped over to entries from when she was hospitalized the first time. It seemed as though she communicated through the pages. He had found an entry from when her teeth were braced. Every sentence became more disheartening. Words of regret and loneliness. Thoughts of her kids and thoughts of suicide. Not directly suicide but the thought remained lingering. Her entries were much different from her mother's. Ellis wrote about surgery and Meredith wrote about her experience's in a almost cryptic way. As if she somehow knew someone would read them. When she was at the hospital it seemed almost obsessive.

After scanning through her journals he walked to the bed and grabbed her hand; He then slipped their wedding ring back on her finger and stared. At the dream house Alex waited anxiously for Derek's update. Jo had taken on the duty as the caregiver.

"Why do babies cry so much?" Jo cried out to Alex.

"Why are you asking me?" He laughed.

"You work in ped's, duh!"

Jo handed Alex baby Ellis. He rocked by her to sleep only to be interrupted by a phone call from Derek. His face soon turned to worry and he then traded positions with Jo. She followed Alex into the next room and asked him what happened and that's when he entirely broke down. Tears covered his face.

On the other hand Derek continued waiting until he felt a slight movement in his palm. He got up and brushed his hand through her hair. Her eyes slowly opened and was met with Derek's. Tears built up in her tear ducts. Her lip quivered in fear and sadness. Meredith went to grab his other hand but winced at the pain in her arms. To fill the silence Derek told her that he could move her to Grey-Sloan if she wanted.

"I'm so sorry." She whimpered.

Derek hugged her and spoke the two simple words. "I know."

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