Walking on Sunshine

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Zola's injuries were minimal but would need to be checked out none of the less. "Hey princess." Derek said calmly while examining the wound. "That's a pretty nasty cut. Do you want to take a trip to see Uncle Alex?" Her frown turned into a smile as she shook her head yes. He lifted his daughter off the ground and walked to the car. Before Meredith could follow she had to calm her son down, he was more worked up than the injured party. "We were just playing, I didn't mean to." The poor boy sobbed. She hugged her son. "She's okay, go by daddy while I clean up." She folded the blanked and put the basket in the trunk. Ellis laid in the carseat in her other hand. Derek had already gotten Zo and Bailey in the car while Meredith struggled to fix the carseat and in which he took over. 

"Since you're being such a brave girl, what do you think about ice-cream after visiting Alex?" The children cheered which made the two share a smile. "Mommy this hurts." The young girl cried. "I know honey we are almost there."  

Once they arrived to Alex's house Derek picked up Zola carefully out of the car, trying not to hurt her. Meredith took on the duty of Bailey and Ellis. The truth is Zola was a huge daddy's girl and Bailey was the opposite. She helped Bailey out to the car and grabbed Ellis too. Once the door opened to Alex and Jo, he went running to her. "Hi Bail's! How is your sister?" She asked trying not to laugh at his obsession with her. Meredith walk into the door to find Zola showing Alex her leg. "Woah this is a big cut, you're so brave." She grinned at the ped's doctor.  "How'd you do this?" Zola sighed dramatically. "He pushed me off the slide." She pointed to the clueless boy who had Jo doing his makeup. 

After examining the cut he confirmed she'd be okay, but to avoid horseplay and to clean it at least once a day until it heals. He finished and gave her a butterfly bandage. "Anymore deeper and she'd need stiches, she's lucky." He said looking to Derek. "Thank God." Meredith called for Bailey but was met with Jo. "He wanted me to ask you for ten more minutes." 

She smiled. "Fine." Meredith said shaking her head while grinning. She found her way back to Derek who had the small girl sitting in his lap and was rocking the carseat next to him. "She adores you." He laughed. "I know right." The blonde laid her head on her husband. "I've missed this." He smiled a smile that was barely noticable "Me too." She leaned in for a kiss but was interrupted by Jo and Bailey.  She had done his makeup and was wearing his hair in a small pony tail at the top of his head. "You look so beautiful!" She said walking to her child. "Auntie Jo did my makeup." He pointed to the brunette. "He begged me too." She smiled.  They said their goodbye and made their way back to the car. 

All of the kids including Ellis were asleep and coincidentally so was Meredith. Her pain meds made it hard for her to do normal day activites without feeling exhausted. Derek drove in silence for about twenty minutes until he found a local ice-cream place. He woke her up and then woke up the sleeping children. "Ice-cream!" Derek awoke the kids. The kids ran out of the car and she found a wooden table outside of the establishment. Meredith sat the adorable baby into her arms and rocked her. She hadn't remembered her life but, was very happy to be living in the moment with her. "I love you Ellie Bell!" She whispered. Derek ordered the kids ice-cream and sat back next to their mother. Before sitting down he planted a kiss on her forehead catching her off guard. "I love you." he grinned proudly before sitting down. "I wanted to show you this while we were at the park but, the universe had other plans." He opened a scrapbook they made of important memories. One of the photos was the day they got legally married, another one was a picture of Meredith holding Bailey and Zola sitting next to Derek. Her fingers traced the paper with a firm look resting on her face. "What's this?" She asked pointing to the picture of the post-it hung up in her locker the day they had gotten married. He felt like someone had stabbed him in the chest. "Our vows." She tried grinning, "Oh. We are such dorks, we did this?" He shook his head laughing. "Yep." Her finger then went to a photo of Arizona holding Ellis. "Who is she?" He fought back tears. "Arizona."

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