Are we closer to the truth?

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Meredith sat on a cot in the hospital bored out of her mind practicing sutures. Derek drove home infuriated with himself. "Grey, what are you doing here?" Bailey asked. "I could've sworn I saw you leaving with Shepherd." Meredith grinned weakly. "Yeah? Was that before or after he brought up the suicide attempt?" She asked bitterly. "Yeah. So I am sitting in the same place where my life was destroyed and doing sutures I learned my intern year hoping it brings some memory back."

Bailey walked away without a word to say in return, she was speechless. Miranda reached for her phone and went to call Derek. He didn't pick up. She left him five voice messages.

Alex walked up to Meredith. "What the hell are you doing here, it's about three in the morning. I know why I'm here, I scrubbed in on a tumor resection on a five year old with Arizona." She shook her head. "I honestly don't know and I don't want to talk about it." Alex took a seat next to her. "Did Shepherd do something? Do I have to beat his ass?" He asked concerned. "No Alex, it's okay." He joined in sewing sutures with her. "How did this happen? I was happy I think I was right?" He shook his head yes. "I had a job and a newborn, I was cheif of general, I go to work one day and it's taken away." She looked up to be met with Alex's eyes. "You still have a newborn and you're still cheif of general." She brushes her hair out of her face. "You're right but she deserves a mother, not a visitor. I'm barely home." 

Alex replied sternly. "So what the hell are you doing here."

She got up and walked away from Alex annoyed. If anyone knew what was good for them they'd stay out of her path especially Derek. Her phone viberated in her back pocket. She picked it up to see that the phone read Derek. She turned her phone off without a doubt in mind. Frustrated in the fact not only Alex was right, she was bored and longed for her children and a warm bed.

Even if she wanted to she couldn't. Derek drove the car home. Amelia walked by and Meredith tried to grab her arm before tripping. She grabbed Meredith before she hit the ground. "Are you okay?" She asked while helping Meredith balance again. " Fantastic. Your douchebag of a brother left me here after basically saying I am incapable of taking care of myself." Amelia's mouth swung open and hugged her sister tightly. "Come home with me and Kai. I mean it, take some time for yourself and get used to being you on your own again." Her face lit up. "Really?" Amelia shook her head yes in response.

"My shift ends around four in the morning, care to stay?"

"Not a problem." She replied

Oh, how she craved for a sense of normalcy. Her world was flipped in the blink of an eye. After their little interaction Amelia walked away to talk with Kai. Meredith walked over to her wheelchair weakly. Her legs felt as if the earth was shaking and they were jelly.

Alex found his way back to Meredith. "Dude call your husband back, he won't stop calling me asking about you." She shook her head. "Jesus fuck. Can he take a hint?" She turned her phone back on and called Derek back. The conversation was rough to say the least. Derek felt horrible and the words  he had slipped. Meredith was rightfully angry and felt guilty at the same time. Everything about dying was easier than living.

Pain struck both their hearts. Their love for each-other was killing them. Alex still standing over Meredith offered her a ride home. She accepted but not without complaining. It had completely slipped her mind to tell Amelia. She arrived to her house around four in the morning. Derek opened the door to her leaning on the wall of the porch. Her legs obviously still very weak. He helped her inside and hugged her tightly. "Sorry." He whispered. Ignoring his comment she set her coat down and stumbled into their bed.

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