We were like that

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Giichi ran over breathless to the hut where the group resided. He yelled out, "is anyone there? I need your help!"

Inuyasha came out and had an annoyed look on his face. "What do you want old man?" Kagome sighed and said, "sit boy." The man was surprised to see the beads around his neck glow and make him smash into the ground.

The girl in the odd clothing spoke to him, "what's wrong?"

Inuyasha glared at Kagome but stood up and stared at Gichii. "Well you see my whole viallge was burnt by that wretched woman."

Inuyasha now paid attention, "by (Y/n)?"

He nodded. "I want you to kill her for me, she's after me." Inuyasha pushed Kagome aside, his voice serious. "Why?"

Gichii noticed the suspicion in his tone. "I have a deal I didn't pay off properly." Inuyasha growled as he took the short man by the shoulders.

"I'm not protecting some coward who stupidly made a deal with this crazy woman!"

Gichii swiped his hands off him, "how dare you! You made a deal with her too dogbreath and you don't even remember!" That's when the old man knew he'd let too much slip. "How do you know that?"

Gichii fasley smiled, "I'm not stupid enough to lie now but there's no point in telling if you have no memory."

Inuyasha kicked the ground, "why can't I remember a single detail?! Everybody's in danger because of some past decision of mine."

Kagome grabbed his arm, "there might be a perfectly good reason for this Inuyasha."

The dog demon almost spoke but a scream of rage echoed around them. Gichii paled, "the damn bitch is here!"

You walked over to the old man who could evade you no longer. "Its time to die you old cow!" Fire rippled around your fingers, Inuyasha immdiealty wrapped an arm around Kagome while unsheathing the Tessaiga.

You stopped short when you saw the dog demon with the reincarnated Kikyo. A sly smile stretched across your lips, "well would you look at that your protective of your girlfriend."

He growled, "you should just leave." He gripped Kagome tighter, it made you sick to the core how easily he moved on. "And you should just die but we don't always get what we want."

He didn't even detect it when a circle of fire surrounded him and the old man. "I'll happily burn you alive along with that girl of yours."

"You do and it'll be the last thing you do!"

You laughed mischievously, "what a thing to say when you'll be dead! You can't touch me when your a blackened corpse."

That's when Kagome spoke up, "what did Inuyasha ever do for you to want to kill him?"

Your (e/c) pupils flashed with malice, "he's the reason I was trapped under the sea, he instigated it along with the slimeball who ran to you for help. I was deemed a devil, a curse. But before I made any I told them the ramifications of what they were getting into. I stipulated the terms and double checked they wanted to go through with it."

You stared at the flames circling the people in front of you. "I only ever did what I was made for and every single one of you couldn't keep your end. So what if you had some years off your life lost or you were to serve me. You would still be happy and alive if you didn't judge me as evil before you knew me at all!"

Inuyasha felt the heat increase as his friends came out. Miroku was most surprised to see Inuyasha and Kagome trapped. Sango went to use her weapon but Miroku held an arm out in front of her.

"Stop you'll only make things worse, she's no ordinary demon. Her power is unmatched even Inuyasha can't hope to defeat her."

He could see the question in Sango's eyes. So then what should they do? There was nothing they could do, expect stand and watch their friends be roasted.

You breathed and let the fire summer but still keep Inuyasha and his girlfriend trapped. "I am sick of waiting it's time for you to die Inuyasha."

Shockingly Inuyasha put his sword away, "please don't kill me." You scoffed, "begging won't work."

"I had a memory resurface."

He saw the surprise on your face, "and?" The dog looked at Kagome, "I remember the building and making you trust me."

"That's it?"

"That's it." He repeated.

You gritted your teeth, "too bad you don't recall anything else. But I still have to kill you."

Inuyasha calmly responded, "no you don't...what if you could give a form of punishment instead?"

This intrigued you. "Hmm I guess that could be better than killing you straight away. Why are you suggesting this?"

"I want you to spare my friends and take me like you want." Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kagome in particular objected.

She grabbed his sleeve, "Inuyasha no!"

He yanked free, "this is the only way to save you guys and I guess him too." Gichii was very pale.

You smiled, "why not bring your little girlfriend along too? I won't hurt her."

He growled, "absolutely not-"
Kagome cut him off, "I'm coming along!" He went wide eyed. "No you're not!"

"Yes I am and that's final!"

You grew annoyed, "enough of the lovers quarrel, she wants to come and I'm not negotiating." Inuyasha was about to object to your comment of being lovers but the flames turned blue and where they had been was nothing but scorch marks on the ground.

Shippo yelled, " what did you do to them?!"

"Relax their in my estate, Gichii."

The old man terrified, looked her way, "yes?"

She glared at him, "I'm going to let old age take you. Inuyasha has offered himself up for his friends and you, don't piss me off."

He nodded, thanking you for your mercy. "Shove your appreciation up your ass!"

In a cloud of smoke you too were gone. Sango stared at the night sky above. "What do we do now?"

Miroku sighed, "I would say save them but....we can't beat her."

unkept promises- Inuyasha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now