Battling a god

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Your lower half was in serve pain as your legs struggled to hold you up. Forcing yourself to stand was a chore as a wave of nausea hit you.

He took a step forward and clapped, "even after a sword through the stomach you can stand, barely might I add. But your stupid decisions have lead up to this point, being sealed under the sea and falling prey to love. Really? That was never your purpose, I should have collected you early had I known you'd be the biggest embarrassment of the gods."

You fell to your knees holding your stomach. "It's not wrong to though."

He undid a button on his white tunic, "(Y/n) you are merely a vessel who does my bidding as all the other vessels did. Now you will follow suit with them to their demise. I should tell my friends to clean up the remaining few."

"We aren't just tools! You created us with emotions and needs."

He waved a hand boredly at you. "Yes because we thought that might make you do your job better. Apparently us creators were wrong and to think Kaen uselessly gave you her fire, causing her to die in the end."

You were shaking trying to keep your weight even. Inuyasha slipped an arm around you, sword out. Kagome must've found it in the stash.

But he was holding you in the same way as the school girl. His features were hardened into one of utter rage. This made your heart do flips but you didn't know why he felt the need to protect you.

"Oh the dog boy is going to use his sword is he?"

Inuyasha handed you over to Kagome who was furiously trying to keep anymore blood from spilling.

"Yes I am."

Aarzoo materialized a star into his palm, he flung it at Inuyasha. The sharp star found it's mark in his leg, cutting right through to the other side.

Inuyasha dropped with a high yelp, one small star had stopped the movement of his leg.

Aarzoo smiled.

More brightly stars appearing inbetween his fingers. "None of you are leaving alive."

"" you couldn't finish the sentence. Kagome shushed you, "w-we'll be alright."

You shook your head. "I...can buy you time."

"What? No you can't."

Not listening to another word you raised yourself again and set yourself alight so Kagome refrained from touching you. Fire flowed along your body, it hurt the wound in you abdomen but you just turned up the heat to distract away from the pain.

Aarzoo sighed, "you intend to battle me I see."

Orange engulfed your hands as he threw stars. The flames immdiealty melted the puny stars.

The god grabbed his hovering crown which grew into a whip the moment it touched his skin. "Right I forgot you have the power of Kaen. But can you weild it as good as her is the question."

Fire rolled off your shoulders as you let it cover your skin. "You know I damn will." He lunged forwards as steel blades emerged from the tip of the whip.

You changed towards it, it slashed your collarbone but the contact of extreme heat made it gooey. Unfortunately they just reformed and he slashed you again.

You shot a fireball his way and it just missed him. He retreated the whip and laughed as you were panting heavily.

"You might have a fire goddesses power but you lack the experience." Without warning he brang out the whip and with lightning speed you were lashed one second after another as more cuts opened, spraying the floor red.

Inuyasha couldn't bear your screams so he tried to get up. "Inuyasha no!" Aarzoo noticed this and he went to kill the two. But you lit up like the sun and burned his whip to cinders, not before it had wrapped around your left arm and pulled.

Your arm was torn clean from the bone. Tears poured from your eyes, turning to steam as they hit your cheeks.

You lit up the gaping hole in your limb so as not to bleed more. You felt the fire roil inside, you brought the monster to the surface.

Taking the form of the dragon as it had done once before. Eyes glowing bright as fire ripped from the sides of your sockets. Steam spiralled from your body as you let the extent of your power take full rein.

Aarzoo lined his whip with those star cutters, attacking like before you. The fire dragon dove down as fast as a fish in water. It swallowed him and his screams sounded.

He emitted a white aura that blew back your dragon. You boosted yourself towards him as he whisked the flames away effortlessly. Fingers clamping down on each other as you were burning like the sun and he was shining like a star.

"Kaen always felt pity for the vessels! You must've have been her hope to end their suffering!"

You bit down on your tongue, so this power wasn't a gift but a fluke decision to see if you could handle it.

"If I kill you and free my fellow creations then that's just a bonus!" Above the roaring crackling of the flames and billowing black smoke.

You heard the cries of Inuyasha for you to flee and seek medical attention. You blocked out his pleas and went beyond the depths of your magic.

"Say hello to death for me."

You fed the heat through his skin, the blue of his veins became a neon yellow. "What are you doing?! It burns!"

You seeped more into his blood, nerves. His flesh was cracking then disintegrating. Whilst you roasted him from the inside out he bellowed loudly. His star crown nothing more then a pile of ash.

"Goodbye." You blew him to simmering dust with a breath of crisp fire.

Aarzoo was no more.

The flames on your frame dispersed and you fell with a heavy exhaustion. Kagome helped Inuyasha limp over to you and prop you up in his lap.

He used his forearm as a head rest for you. "I can see the sky."

Kagome blinked at how random that was. " burnt a big hole in your mansion." Inuyasha said.

A chain had felt like it had broken when your creator died. All of the throbbing aches were dulled as a light numbness spread throughout you.

Inuyasha bit his lip to fight back tears, "(Y/n) I'm so sorry all this could have been avoided."

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