Not part of the plan

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Ze'ev twirled a dagger in his hand as he stood on Kagome's chest. Keeping her restrained to the floor, she struggled to remove his foot.

"What have you done to Inuyasha?"

He laughed, "your puppy is still alive to your luck. Though I wish I could slice his throat open but the mistress forbids it."

"He doesn't deserve this!" Ze'ev growled at the her words. His foot connected to her jaw, she tumbled a few metres across the green carpet. Kagome felt like a stone had been thrown at her head as she became dizzy from the impact of his next punch to her cheek.

She groaned, tears welling in the corner of her eyes. He grabbed a tuff of her black hair and forced her to face him.

Kagome's heart hammered in her chest as she felt the cold metal being against her neck. "Please don't."

"Shut up. I don't take orders from a filthy girl."

The sick smile returned to his lips, "I quite find your skin to be soft as a baby's bum." He took the tip of the blade and cut a line just around her mouth.

"But no one's beauty, heart and existence will be as blessing as my mistress's."

Kagome stood her ground even as he continued to cut a her face. "What (Y/n) is doing says a lot about her character to me."

"And what do you mean by that exactly?"

The school girl hesitated but spoke anyway. " She's not a blessing but a monster who tortures the innoc-" the breath was knocked out of her as he slammed Kagome up against the wall. Fingers wrapped tightly around the young girls windpipe.

"While my mistress might tolerate any insults thrown her way, I don't. You speak lies when you have no knowledge of the business between them two."

He plunged the dagger into her shoulder, Kagome screamed as the tears burst like a dam.


Inuyasha lay on his side panting heavily as not even his demon side could withstand the beating he'd took. You looked so distraught when you said you'd loved him, some things were still blurry but he imagined it all clear up. If he was still alive by then.

He gritted his teeth as he heard Kagome's screams. What was the sadistic doing?! You promised you wouldn't hurt her but then again like the blonde had said. There no promises between him and Ze'ev.

A really loud scream echoed from where Kagome was staying throughout the whole building.

"Ka...gome!" He yelled out uselessly, why did he not think this whole ordeal out first?!


Ze'ev had put you in your room, a feminine scream woke you from your darkness and knew who those sounds would be coming from. Anger instantly filled you as you always kept your end of deals, for him to defy that it pissed you off.

Ze'ev sighed at his work, Kagome's cheeks were stained from dry tears. Blood seeped through her uniform, one arm was broken, twisted so unbelievably far. He'd done the same with one of her legs. Loving when he heard the satisfying cracks and pops of the bones. Dislocating then breaking human bodies gave him such a thrill.

Even better was thus was the woman the dog demon loved. His new lover right here for him to torture too. He thumbed the nail he was holding in his hands a hammer in the other.

"I wonder how well I can hammer this nail into your flesh. I'm really good doing it with wood." Kagome let go a small whimper as he readied the rusted nail above her perfectly fine kneecap.


She begged, "please no-"

"Go." The school girl closed her eyes but felt no piercing of muscle or bone. She cracked open a lid and saw you grabbing the crazy man's wrists with a very mad expression.

"I said the girl was off limits Ze'ev, are you deaf or are you deliberately disobeying my orders?"

He dropped the hammer and nail as one metal made a clattering sound while the other made a loud thud.

"Mistress I only wanted to hurt him further for you. And the best way to do that was to make her use her vocal cords in a way he'd find displeasing."

You stared down at him, (e/c) pupils glowing bright due to the firelight burning behind your sockets. "Well I am very displeased with you doing exactly that. You're dismissed from handling this matter with me."

You let go and went to focus your attention on the wounded teenager. But Ze'ev got on his knees, "please don't dismiss me, I want to join in on your vengeance my lady!"

You whipped your head towards him on the floor. "Get up. You know better than to grovel at my feet."

His blue eyes locked onto Kagome's brown ones and almost held the same hate he did for Inuyasha. "Fine." He disappeared in a puff of smoke.

You sighed and inspected Kagome, "shit he's too good at what he does." You ripped off a bit of fabric from your dress and used it to stop the bleeding from the wound in her shoulder.

Then you magiced a cast for her arm and leg. Kagome flinched anytime you got close though none of it surprised you. "Why don't you tend to Inuyasha's wounds too?"

You kept making sure her leg was stable enough for you to set onto the bed. "Because then I would be in breach of our deal."

You gently sat her on the king mattress, "can't you end it though?"

"No. There's a lot more to this then you realise."

Kagome did not break her gaze on you as she said. "Explain it to me."

You brought a chair to the side of her bed, "I was created by a god of wishes he was supposed to do this for you mortals. But he's lazy so therefore he made me to do his job, my whole point in existing is to be the bargain demon. Though why my deals cost a great many things is because of my creator, there are many others like myself who are brought to life to do another's task. If we fail to do so we end up killed by the god who created us."

Kagome seemed to be speechless, ""

"Have no choice? You're correct, I was born into a role I did not choose. But that doesn't make whay Inuyasha did ok."

You stood up, walked to the door and slammed it shut as you left Kagome to bawl out her mixed emotions. Whilst you sat on your throne, Inuyasha still on the floor, injuries too great to do much.

Your whole plan had been thrown out of whack due to many things. You decided it time to kill Inuyasha once and for all but you'd find old feelings would stop you.

unkept promises- Inuyasha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now