I'll buy you some time

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You stood with your arm outstretched to aim the ball of fire blazing in the middle of your palm. "This has gone on far too long, I should have killed you earlier. Keeping you alive does nothing for me."

Inuyasha raised himself from where he was chained, battered and bruised. His amber eyes looking at you with defeat, such despair. "Will killing me fill the hole in your heart though? Or is there something else you are trying to find?"

The ball of heat flickered, his words stirred a spark inside. "Am I searching for something?"

You shook your head, trying to clear you mind. "Shut up. No more talking."
He lowered his neck as to admit he lost the battle. But hesitation took ahold, making you question if this really was the way for you to feel whole. To stop feeling like shit.

The flame ball disappeared as you retreated to your throne with a groan.  Inuyasha gave you a quizzical expression.

"What Inuyasha?" Annoyance filled your tone.

"I'm not dead."

You rolled your eyes, "well that's obvious."

He shifted to his kneecaps to support himself. "Why did you stop?"

Because the fact that he'd appeared utterly hopeless broke a piece inside of you. But you couldn't tell the enemy that.

"I thought I might buy you some time by exchanging our perspectives of what happened that day. Maybe that'll give you a better grasp on what you remember."

He sighed as relief flooded his muscles. "Some things are still hazy but I can try."

Why was he so co-operative? Maybe you could ease the rules on him. "If I release you from your chains and have someone tend to your wounds. Will you promise to stay put?"

His pupils widened, "I...yeah." You were suddenly being kind which rocked him the wrong way.

"Good because if you did I'd burn you and your girlfriend."

Inuyasha rubbed his wrists as servant unlocked the shackles on his limbs. Another member of your staff coming forward with bandages and water.

"Now let's tell our sides of the story while they do their job."

A woman used some alcohol to disinfect his more fresher cuts. "Ouch!"

"I haven't got at all day Inuyahsa. Speak."

"It's-ow! A bit hard to when I'm being treated."

You propped your chin on you knuckles, using the other hand to light some torches lining the cement wall. "Alright I'll go first, maybe you'll see why you deserve all this."

Your gut clenched as you'd forced yourself to say that. You didn't know why you felt so out of whack after Inuyasha's sentence.


Ze'ev was seething as he watched Inuyasha being treated. Freed. Not dead. Why did you not burn him alive? You seemed so set on doing it.

"I think my lady is having doubts, I won't take this. Screw this deal between them, I'll kill the mutt myself.  What you said to me years ago was an absolute lie."

He turned on his heel and walked down the hallway slamming his bedroom door. And begun plotting on how to end the dogs life when you kept a heavy watch on him.

unkept promises- Inuyasha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now