Memory resurface

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He didn't know how long he was there, whether it was morning or night all he knew was that eventually he had succumbed to a blackout. The pain becoming unbearable his dreams filled with the stupid blue eyed sadist laughter.

He hung there still, cracking open an eye to see all the dried blood that was his. His wrists ached, he then fell to the floor when the shackles unlocked. "Arghh..."

You kneeled down and lifted his chin up, "now aren't you glad that's over?"

He couldn't speak, his teeth had had bit down too strongly. When swallowed his throat hurt, dry from all the screaming he had done til his voice was lost. Losing his senses and succumbing to darkness. "Hmm so I take it you can't speak."

Inuyasha fell to the floor, Ze'ev laughed at his raw, bloody back. His flesh was marred, skin red and blistered as he cradled into himself.

The blonde sent a sharp kick into the dogs ribs. Inuyasha let out a pained grunt as he lay on his back. Motionless, each movement hurt too much.

You held your cheeks in the palm of your hands. You flushed pink, laughing maniacally at the man you despised for so many years at your mercy. Lying on the floor of your home all beaten up beyond repair.

Your laugh became more high pitched until you went quiet and ended with a few more chuckles. "I've waited for this day for sooo long. It's pathetic the state your in." You knelt down again and held him up by a tuff of his white hair. Your eyes locked onto each other, his amber pupils lost their light, their fight.

Yours were cold, hardened by the hate you harboured in your heart for him. "You deserve this Inuyasha."

His eyes suddenly widened as the night you made love flooded into his head along with the angry villagers throwing you into the water. The distinctive splash as you had reached out your hand to him. The same expression of betrayal as the one in his dreams written on your face.

How he met you, the deal you'd made, all the moments he'd shared with you. All of it came back at your words, because he'd said something very similar to you back then.


He stared straight at you, "you deserve this..." shock rattled your whole body as you dropped him. "What?!"

Inuyasha choked on some blood coming up with vomit. "I remember all of it. I...I surpressed it because you didn't deserve it. But I said it anyway as you pleaded at me with those eyes while falling into the water."

"So...why did you forget?"

His face took on an apologetic look, "I felt guilty."

You couldn't breathe, "you felt...guilty..."

"I'm sorry."

Rage made any other emotion take a seat as it drove the wheel completely. "You're sorry? You felt guilty? You forgot all you'd done...."

Your knee connected to his jaw as he rolled across the floor. Your foot hit his ribs, repeatedly kicking his stomach as he could do nothing to stop you. "YOU FOGOT TO MAKE IT EASY ON YOURSELF! I WAS HEARTBROKEN WHEN I FOUND OUT I'D BEEN BETRAYED. YOU WEREN'T SORRY WHEN YOU HELPED THEM THROW ME IN THE SEA!"

You kicked, kicked and kicked eventually punching. Hitting wherever you could. Red, red was all you saw. Ze'ev had to restrain you from killing Inuyasha with your fists. He was now bleeding more profoundly, bruises and a couple teeth knocked out as well as two broken ribs.

That's when the rage subsided and you saw how you'd beaten him to a bloody pulp. But you gained no satisfaction from seeing him in a horrible state. Ze'ev did though, a massive grin on his lips until you said.

"I loved you...I thought I meant something to you...but you lied and saw me as everybody else did...a monster that needed to be culled."

Inuyasha panted, his breathing laboured. One socket was swollen as he muttered once more, "I'm sorry."

Tears fell down, Ze'ev removed his arms from under your armpits and knocked you out cold with his fists. Inuyasha stared at him puzzled, "see what you put my mistress through. I wanted so bad to be her storm knight but you ruined that. She trusts no one but me."

The dog demon groaned as Ze'ev answered a question of Inuyasha's for him. "You asked me why I follow (Y/n), well truth is I love her, truly and honestly. She doesn't know of course but even if she did I can't get her to open up her heart to me because of you."

He picked you up as you were still uncocnsious. "She keeps her promises to you but I have made none to you." His blue eyes flashed with that sadistic glint.

"I think I just might pay your girlfriend a visit." Inuyasha's features turned to pure anger his gaze threatening to kill the blonde. "I'll make you regret making my mistress cry. With the tears of your own girl."

"N...n...oooo...!" But his words were raspy and hoarse.

Ze'ev smirked, "I'll enjoy making your woman scream and your too beat up to do a single thing about it."


unkept promises- Inuyasha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now