There's no doubt

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Inuyasha had been there for 2 months and he'd been standing next to you each time you made a deal with someone. Claws cracking with his classic grin if one of them even looked at you wrong.

You'd feel your heart swell at him being protective over you. Inuyasha was happy to be a permanent resident at your mansion. There were days you two didn't spend together but you had gotten attached to the dog demon in such a short time.

Since he was your first friend who didn't fear you or hate you. It was hard to tell the difference between fondness and infatuation.

Today was a day where Inuyasha spent it alone as you went off somewhere to attend to duties unrelated to deals.

But you'd just wanted to relax in your hot spring. Inuyasha sat up in a tree as he had done numerous times. Bored as hell to the point he'd nod off every now and then.

Suddenly a splash startled him from his sleep. He craned his neck to see your bare back, steam pouring upwards from the water.

He tried to drag his eyes away from your wet, (h/c) hair that stuck to your glistening (s/c) skin. "Damn." He growled at himself. "I shouldn't be staring that's bad."

But as you dipped your head underwater then came back up. His whole face flushed red, he yanked at his robe. To him this was a perfect veiw, nobody climbed trees around here that's why you weren't worried about having a singular tree towering over the spring.

You turned around, standing with a smile at the water easing the strain in your muscles. Inuyasha averted his gaze last minute as your turned. He fell off the branch, twigs straching up his face.

You questioned what the sound was but continued mixing the soap into your scalp. Meanwhile Inuyasha was laying on his stomach from falling out of the tree. He was so lucky he looked away before he saw your naked chest and...everything else.

"She's so attractive, but that doesn't mean I perv on her." He sat on the grass and gripped his clothes where the organ hammered against his ribcage. "Calm down it's just (Y/n) having a bath, she wanted privacy...a excitement for me."

Aside from finding you sexually attractive he thought about your smile. How it crinkled your eyes, the bright glow of fire behind your sockets, how that beautiful fire enhanced the (e/c) in your irises.

All those talks along the beach of how you had no childhood and became immersed in his stories of his own. The food, your wonderful tastes in clothes.

"Inuyasha where are you?" Your voice snapped him from his thoughts. Walking towards where you searched for him. "Right here (Y/n)." He waved at you and you greeted him with a cute grin.

"There's something I wanted to ask you."

This intrigued him, "oh yeah what?" You were dressed in the black gown with red frills at the sleeves and bottom. What you wore to the snobby parties. But god did it compliment your frame. He couldn't doubt that what he was experiencing was love.

Your hair had dripped to the fabric leaving wet patches. "How would you feel becoming my Storm knight?"

He brought his attention back to your voice. "Your what?"

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unkept promises- Inuyasha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now