Entering the gates

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Inuyasha gazed upon the renewed crimson doors that were shut. The cobblestone wall around the city felt eerily firmiliar, he pushed the doors as a test to see if they opened. Sure enough they swung wide with a loud creak, he jolted back, hand going to his sword.

But no one was at the entrance, he returned his attention to where he'd seen you in the window. You were not there so he reminded himself to be on alert.

He'd told the rest of them to stay at the hut as the fire this woman attacked them with was lethal and the person it's veins ran through more so.

His feet reached the stairs leading to the main entrance of the mansion you hid inside. He'd passed the many empty houses that had yet to be filled with its original residents and any possible newcomers. A swirling cloud appeared from the top of the stairs, Ze'ev was who came from the cloud.

"Hello Inuyasha."

"So miss fire bitch can't meet me instead of her lackey?"

Ze'ev tsked. "I'd watch what you say about my mistress seeing as you came here alone. But yes I am who will be attending to the matter at hand. You."

Inuyasha growled, "all I want is for you to stop attacking me and my friends. I don't know why she is set on killing me but she needs to leave anyone innocent out of it!"

Ze'ev descended down the stairs, Inuyasha put his hand to his sword again but Ze'ev smiled as he said. "You won't be needing that for now as I just want to talk, explain a few things."

"Explain what?"

He ran a hand through his snowy blonde locks, "I don't know the complete story between my mistress and you but I know a little. Unlike you who knows nothing at all."

"Well then explain it to me."

He kept his smile, "then let us sit."

Inuyasha walked over and sat on the grass as Ze'ev followed and planted his butt on the freshly mowed lawn.

"You betrayed her."

Inuyasha have him a quizzical look, "I'm sorry what?"

"You betrayed her that's all I know aside from you met and made a deal with her then hurt her feelings big time. You were also her Storm knight."

"Her...Storm knight?"

Ze'ev's ice blue eyes held a glint of anger when the subject changed to this. "She had a few before you but she had to trust you with her life for that to happen. You were appointed her knight to protect and serve her for life. You accepted with the greatest honour and kept to your duty well until you betrayed that trust."

Inuyasha strached his head, "it's hard to believe I don't remember any of this. Are you serving her because of a deal?"

His smile disappeared, "no I'm serving her for an entirely different reason."

"What reason are you doing it then?"

Ze'ev crossed his arms over his chest, pretty much telling the dog demon he would not be answering that. "Nevermind, can you just tell her to leave us alone."

"I cannot. Her wish is to kill you for all you put her through and I am to follow the orders she gives me. She merely wished me to give you the minor details I know of your relationship, hoping to spark something in that dense brain of yours."

Inuyasha growled, "then we have a problem, don't we."


You scanned the list of people who had not succeeded in keeping their end of the bargain. You ran your finger down the names, reading them aloud. "Uramachi, Kaito, Kyo, Penny, Sarah annndddd Giichi." Your features hardened at the name of the man who was also behind the plot of throwing you in the sea.

The sea where you were powerless, unable to let your fire flare. It welled up for years, cooled by the water but hungry for release. Even now it was a challenge to keep the magic on a leash as it begged for a chance to burst free.

You wanted to play with your flames too but it was best to conserve your energy as using too much could mean your magic took over.

You'd handle the people who owed you their life later, right now you had to look over the residents who wanted to return home and others who asked to have a home in your small city now you'd returned and spruced up the place.

You saw Ze'ev talking to Inuyasha as they sat on the grass below. You wanted to take him out and your magic flared in response, you swallowed the tiny embers flickering at the back of your throat.

Wait. Soon you'd have the perfect moment to get the revenge you'd carefully plotted. But the anger still surfaced as you watched him leave without a mark on him.

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