Found the girl

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Kagome asked around town about a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) along with fire powers. But no one seemed to know anything, the only thing they got out of it was an old building had been restored.

So the group moved on to the next town but it ended all the same. Inuyasha noticed some old man was staring at him suspiciously, he seemed to be trying to keep out of veiw.

"Hang on guys I need to check something."

He raced over to the old man, Gichii fell flat in his butt, Inuyasha grabbed him by the collar. "Why do you keep staring at me old man!?" Kagome came over too and screwed her face up. "Inuyasha sit!"

The dog demon now fell flat on his face, Kagome helped the elder up. "I'm sorry about him he's just really rude."

Gichii spoke back in a sort've surprised and scared tone. "Oh that's quite alright..ah..who are you?"

The school girl smiled, " I'm Kagome, this is Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Inuyasha."

The last name seemed to unsettle the old guy. "I uh...heard you asking about a lady with fire powers."

"Do you know something?"

Gichii lied through his teeth, "I know of the legend but that is all, if you are looking for her she is that way." He pointed North.

Kagome bowed and said her thank you's, Inuyasha pulled his face from the ground. "Ah damn wench!" The dog demon eyed Gichii when he stepped away a few inches.

Inuyasha noticed the scar on his features but thought nothing of it.

Kagome grabbed his arm and pulled him along, "come on he said she was along this way." He didn't lie about the old estate being suddenly gorgeous, fire was glowing dimly in the empty halls he could see through the windows.


Ze'ev sat on his bed in his chambers pissed at his madam, all he'd ever asked and wanted was to be her Storm knight. But that stupid half demon had ruined everything for him.

Would any of that change once he was killed?

You were done with the defense plan, sighing that you were free of paperwork. Nobody had stepped forward to make deals. In this day and age there mustn't have been a need for it anynore. Your (e/c) pupils glowed as your fire consumed them.

A grin plastered itself on your lips, "it's time to settle old debts then."

You were going to make a name for yourself again. People Would fear you even more than before, of course then you would be on many humans and demons kill list. But what did you care a female god had gifted you with her fire, given up her life just to give you an advantage agaisnt the odds.

Although it sometimes felt there was a different reason entirely for it.

You weren't the only demon the gods had created for to do their work for them. There were various others throughout the land, some had been already killed or simply forgotten. While the others murdered by the very beings who'd given them life.

Which came because they had failed in doing their job so the demon disappeared all together.

You walked up to a window and lay your chin on your arms as you admired the nice breeze. You glanced at the autumn leaves falling to the ground. You're eyes widened as your gaze locked onto those amber ones you despised.

He wore the same shocked expression as you. But you were both shocked for different reasons.

You wondered how he got so close without being detected by Ze'ev.


Inuyasha climbed his way up a tree and looked out across the mini city stated just outside the main building.

Did this really belong to the the bargain demon? The locals who had earvsdropped on conversations about you has told the 5 of them the tall tale. Which wasn't so tall at all.

His heart stopped at that very moment, there you were looking directly back at him with the same emotion. You really were the bargain demon they all talked about.

And he had pissed you off.

At least there was a name to go by, (Y/n).

unkept promises- Inuyasha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now