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After he'd done the basics he'd gone back to get you up. But when woken you told him to go on ahead and you'd be out of bed within an hour tops.

Inuyasha found what you did quite easy. Luckily there was no one wanting deals today. The day played out quite peacefully as you still slept under your mountain of blankets.

He fed the massive white wolf who had such enticing blue pupils. It tore the chunk of meat to pieces, Inuyasha found it rather intriguing to watch.

That's when a man cleared his throat, he turned and his features hardened. Damn Giichi. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to scram."

He held his palms to show he meant no trouble. "Uh yes I know, but I came by because I wanted to talk to you."

He raised a brow, "me?" The wolf hovered it's head over Inuyasha. The dog gave him a strach. You had many wondrous and wild creatures in your garden.

"Yes. You. I heard about you and the woman were a thing, congrats by the way. But I need to bring up an issue, I believe she is deceiving you and others."

Inuyasha glared at him. "that is the most stupidest bullshit I've ever heard."

Gichii pleaded with the dog demon, "please just listen."

"No! Now go and I'll make you." The young man did not back down.

"Don't you ever wonder why she doesn't take you to the parties anymore?"

He laughed. "What a cheap shot, it's because I was banned."

Gichii replied, "yes only you but not her. If she were the reason of your outburst wouldn't it make more sense to get rid of the source too?"

Inuyasha stopped and Gichii could see the gears turning in the dog's head. "How do you know about that though?"

Gichii stopped the evil smirk tugging at his lips. His words were sinking their teeth into his mind. "Oh every commoner heard about noble gossip all the time. It's really not that hard to come by."

"Why bring it up now then?"

He played his next cards, "well...I know you think highly of her and trust her but...she's been abusing her power against innocents. Children and women alike are suffering her carnage."

Inuyasha didn't believe a word of this but the bait was weaving into his brain. You did go alone now, saying it was better he stay and not ask what went on. Were you...cheating?

Inuyasha began to run his own narrative. Gichii said his last line, "if you want proof I have some. Come by the forest where moon flowers bloom."

With that the manipulating man walked off. Grinning ear to ear at the plan he and other haters of you conjured.


Inuyasha felt so bad for coming to the designated spot. He just came to see if anyone was tarnishing your good name.  With some reasons unrelated to that too.

Gichii motioned for him to look past the red coloured trees. His amber eyes widened, the carnage he spoke about was true. Burnt bodies scattered among the ground, faces of agony scorched. Sure anyone could've set this scene and lit a random fire but there was a difference to a normal one and yours.

Yours did not go out just by putting it out with water. Nor did it leave burn marks on the earth, only bodies.

"There's no way she'd..."

Gichii pretended to feel sad, " we've tried before to stop her. But she's too powerful."

"Then why show me this?"

unkept promises- Inuyasha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now