Too long under the sea

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The building had cracks lining the walls and ceilings as you entered your home. The once beautiful structure abandoned and weathered over time.

You pursed your lips, trekking to your old room. The bed fitted with clean sheets, the walls and floor repaired unlike the rest of the place.

You sat on the bed and turned to the clothes folded beside you. "You did all this while I was trapped?"

Ze'ev replied from the other side of the door, "yes madam."

Your eyes stared at the door as Ze'ev leaned against the frame waiting for you to get dressed. You shimmied so the dress slid onto your frame perfectly. Brow furrowing as you asked the question that was raiding your mind.

"So he truly is alive then?"

Silence passed for a few seconds before he answered, "well yes his blood was required to unlock the magical vault keeping you trapped."

By the time he had finished speaking you'd put on the stockings and black dress. Standing up you flexed your fingers in the fingerless gloves you now wore.

You snapped your forefinger and thumb together, a small flame emerged from the depths of your power. It warmed the surface of your skin as it hovered above. The flame vanquished as you let it go out, "my magic is still intact even though I was submerged in water."

Ze'ev opened the door for his lady, you carefully walked the halls of your cracked and decaying estate. The small village that situated at the front of the land had been abandoned when you'd been betrayed by the man you loved.

But there was one simple thing that would make her home lovely once more. You felt the coils of your fire heat within in your blood, orange light burnt brightly from her (e/c) eyes.

It ripped along the edges of your body as the flames were hungry for release. You shot singular flames on lanterns hanging on the wall. As soon as the fire found it's spot inside the creaky metal. The whole building sparked with life. The walls returned to their original creamy colour, the marble floor looked polished as you had left it.

The garden blossomed with plants that were vibrant with every colour of the rainbow.

Every corner of the estate had been cleansed and restored to its former glory with the touch of your power.

"My home is beautiful as when it was first built." You put a hand to your chin and gazed out beyond the garden to where Inuyasha sat under the same blue sky.

Your expression darkened as his name left your lips, "just wait Inuyasha you mongrel, I'm coming."


Kagome began to pack up the remaining food that nobody had touched back into her bag. Inuyasha inspected the bite on his finger, the bite had healed up nicely. That's when his ear twitched, "something's coming."

Everyone heard the serious note his In his voice, a massive ball of heat was heading straight for- "Kagome!"

He jumped in time to tackle the school girl out of the way. The ball flared up as it made contact with the ground as well as sounding with a big BOOM!

Your hair swayed from the impact as the fire simmered down to your feet. (E/c), hate-filled eyes stared at the man who you held a death wish for.

"Who are you?!" The dog said as he drew Tensaiga.

Your eyes glowed from the fire boiling within your veins.

"You are a damn fool."


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