How it all began

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(The past)

The moon hung in the star littered sky as he jumped atop the entrance to the shrine. He'd heard the bargain demon was around here somewhere, tales were told this person could do anything you asked for.

At a price that they deemed fair, he was willing to go any lengths to become a full fledged demon. His human half only weakened him.

Inuyasha sniffed the area, even if he did pick up a scent he couldn't be sure it was the demon. He scanned the area, up ahead was a huge chunk of land with small houses surrounding a beautiful mansion. As he jumped to the ground he saw a woman her back turned to him. She seemed to be stargazing.

He called out to the stranger, "hey lady!"

You whipped your head in his direction. Greeting him with a cautious smile, "can I help you?"

His features were hard, "yeah do you know anything about the bargain demon? Like where he is?"

Your eyes widened just a fraction then you gave him an amused grin. He arched a brow, "what's so funny?"

You shook your head, "nothing it's just...what have you heard about the bargain demon?"

He rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest. "That he makes deals that come with a price and has the power of fire. All the usual stuff humans prattle on about."

You stood brushing the dust off your clothes. "Not just any fire though, a god herself gave up her very life to bestow the gift to the demon. It burns as bright as the sun."

The dog demon strached his ear, "that's great and all but do you know where he is or not?"

You nodded. "Right in front of you."

"What do you mean-" he jumped when you let a tiny flame hover above your fingertip. "You're- a- a girl?"

"Last I checked, yes." You said with a giggle.

He looked absolutely gobsmacked. "From the way others talked about you I assumed you were male."

The flame disappeared, "I know how this world is, only men can wield such strength."

"Oh no that's not where I was going with it at all. Like I said I just assumed."

You stepped a little closer to him, "well I already know you are to make a deal so what is your name and what do you want?" He heard the displeasure in your voice.

"Uhhh...Inuyasha and I want to be a full fledged demon."

Your gaze drifted to the mansion, "so it's power you seek."

"I...guess so?"

You clasped your hands together, "well all that stuff can wait until morning I'm absolutely exhausted."

"But don't you do this stuff immdiealty?"

You rolled your eyes this time, "I have a full day doing deals all the time. I still need to eat and sleep like you I'm not a 24 hour service. You can take a spare room in my mansion I have other orders to fill before yours. Feel free to make yourself at home here."

Inuyasha followed after you as you began to walk up the steps. "You have a list?"

"Of course I do! How else do I keep a busy schedule organised?"

Inuyasha was completely dumbfounded by this whole interaction. You were not what he expected at all.

When the two of you entered the massive building you guided the dog demon to a room. You pushed open the door to reveal white glistening walls, vibrant green carpet and a bed with thick, beige coloured sheets and blankets.

"This can be your room."

His mouth dropped in awe at the top notch quality of this place. "Must be nice to be rich." He mumbled.

"I'll be heading to my chambers now let the staff know if you need anything. "

"That's awfully...kind of you. Thanks."

You didn't know how to respond to that nobody had said thanks due to your reputation. "You're welcome."

You turned a corner to your room, Inuyasha flopped onto the comfy mattress. Relishing in its softness, he'd  only ever slept in trees or the earth itself. So this was a nice treat.

He wondered what the morning would bring, would you meet any of the expectations he had because of the stories?

unkept promises- Inuyasha x readerWhere stories live. Discover now