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Fatima's POV

Having strong cravings for Chapman after I woke up. I prayed zuhr and I decided to make some, then stored the resrt of it in the freezer Incase I would have more later.

I walked down to the living room, searched through my Netflix list and decided to watch Crawl. But as I sat down, a knock came from the door. 

'who could this be?' I thought in my mind.

I dropped the Chapman on the centre table and walked down the hallway which led to the main door, the knock wasn't getting any lesser. I peeped through the door hole for security reasons only to meet the face of the person I was least expecting.

"Fadeela," I said, opening the door immediately and I spotted something behind her, a trolley.

"Mind letting me in?" She asked curtly.

"Uh-yeah sure, how was your journey?" I asked as I helped her with her extremely heavy trolley up the three stair case before the door.

"Fine." Monotonously, she answered.

"And how is Ammah?" I asked again nicely.

"She sends her regards," she said, walking ahead of me as she sat on the three sitter with a sigh. She popped out a balloon from her chewing gum, then grabbed the cup of juice that I placed on the table. She placed the gum on the cup holder and drank from the cup. My Chapman.

I screamed my anger in my head and instead of informing her that what she just drank was mine, I went straight to the kitchen, poured some of the Chapman in a glass jug, grabbed it's cup and placed it on a medium sized tray. With two slices of chocolate cake on a small plate, I poured the hot pepper soup I made earlier today into a bowl then placed it on the tray, I walked back to the living room.

She glanced at the tray I dropped in front of her and continued doing whatever she was on her phone, until the ringing tone of it disrupted the uncomfortable silence.

"Hey sweetheart," she said, answering the call as a wide smile spread on her light skinned face, so I took that as my cue and walked to the dispenser at the far end of the living room to get her some water. I closed it when the water was almost filled to the brim of the glass cup.

I dropped the water next to the tray on the table and walked down the small hallway which led to my room; dragging along with me her heavy trolley, about getting in the room I heard her squeal in excitement and an "you are on your way?" Question followed the loud squeal.

I just don't know why but my heart beat rate increased in a matter of seconds which wasn't good, this isn't something to make me panic. Beads of sweat started decorating my forehead, I needed to take my pills.

I bumped into her as she ran to probably where I was, I pulled up a smile and said,"This is your room, over there is the toilet and here is the bathroom, all you would need are in place, feel free to ask me if something is not avai—"

"Ok, ok, I need to freshen up," she cut me off with a dismissal tone casting me a disgusting look.

"Oh... sorry," still trying to be nice, I apologized closing the door as I headed straight to our room with the help of the wall, I'm finding it hard to stand and my vision was getting blurry. I retrieved the container in which the pills were in, and gulped down the prescribed portion, then laid down to rest until sleep overtook me.

The muazzin app woke me up as it recite adhan for Asr prayer, my heartbeat is now normal, so I prayed then went to the living room only to meet everything untouched, I almost scream out of frustration, instead I packed it up and drop it on the kitchen island not knowing what to do with the damn food.

A call from Faheema came through.

"Śistər," I heard two voices called sister in Chinese. I had to move the phone away from my ears and that was when I noticed it was a roaming conference call. Knowing the conversation isn't ending anytime soon, cause probably it is to solve another fight, I connected it to my ear-pod and decided to clear the kitchen.

"Good evening śistər," 

"For the first time Abdulhakim, your calculation is right," I replied chuckling. "Nî hâo ma?" I asked how he is in Chinese trying to make use of the conversational words he uses.

"Wô hên hâo-I'm fine," he replied.

"How are you coping with school newbie?"

"Urrgghh, śistər, I'm about to write my finals and boom I will be a year three student, so I'm not a newbie anymore coupled with college sucks, tell me tips on how to survive without being drained out."

I burst out laughing, as I grab a kitchen towel to clean the island.

"You are—"

"So I'm not a human being," I gasped as Faheema interrupted, I had actually forgotten that she was on the line too.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, how are you?" While Abdulhakim snared, about to tease her I'm sure, I engaged them in some other talk.

~     ~     ~     ~     ~

Fadeela's POV

"Laulau," I called out my best friend's name while I FaceTimed her.

"Laurah," the no nonsense and feisty girl corrected.

"Whatever, guess what?" Enthusiastically, I pruded.

"You've travelled to Kano and had probably met your childhood crush who had turned to the love of your life, while he is still unaware of it," she guessed correctly, replying me with even more energy, this is one of the reasons I love her.

A fashion freak, feisty and egoistic, plumpy and beautiful, she got just everything.

"About to darling," almost squealing I replied.

"Details later babe."

"You got me, bye." I said, disconnecting and I sat on the vanity stool, to make my face look more presentable.

"Done." I muttered to myself, turning my head from left to right. I jumped on my bed face first as I logged into Snapchat.

I took a couple of pictures, posted one to my story and sent the others to my streaking mates, then busied myself replying to the pending messages. I logged out after seeing it was already 5pm, I wore the only lengthy hijab I had which was enough to cover the whole of me and prayed. Immediately I said my salam, I heard the gate being pushed open, I quickly removed the hijab as I rushed to the window to take a look.

Ya Muhammad's BMW drove into the enormous compound of their flat, I did a merry dance then grab my black beanie to go with the peach denim jumpsuit I wore with a black inn, took a look at the mirror one last time then started for the main door.

The moment he walked in, I ran and engulfed him in a hug.

"Welcome home—" I said, with a toothy smile, spotting Fateema's brightened face I added, "—sweetheart."

It's an update!
Probably the last update of the year
Thank you
Edited by huchyna check out her book, A broken revelation.

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