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*Ya Muhammad's POV*

I came back home exhausted, "Eemaa," I called out but I was welcomed by silence as I shut the door and for the second time I remembered she isn't home. She is far from home right now.

I went and freshened up then walked to the kitchen thinking of the load of work I brought back home. I decided to take raw corn flakes. The house feels so empty without her, I thought, walking back to our room. While watching a movie, I ate up the corn flakes, rested a bit and set to work.

An hour later the ringtone of my phone made me take my eyes off my laptop. The ringtone I set for her contact was different and even though I was tired a smile spread on my face.

"Assalamu alaikum, I miss you Eemaa," I said, immediately I answered the call.

Her laugh was what I heard first, "Wa alaikum salam babe, well I didn't miss you even for a second."

"May I know why?" I asked.

"Ya Muhammad, your family are just so cool, I like them all and I have gotten along with them more especially with Faheema and Abdulhakim, those notorious..." and she kept on talking, she doesn't talk much but with me she tells me just everything and I like to look and listen to her. Well now that I can't see her, I would still imagine her enthusiastic face as she narrates everything.

"So now tell me, what have you been doing all day?" I asked her while I resumed my previous work.

"Just prepared breakfast and Ammah wanted us to go for some grocery shopping but I ended up ruining the trip."

I chuckled, "How?"

She went silent for a few seconds then said, "promise me you won't tease me about this"

"Why?" I asked smiling.

"Just promise," She pressed.

"Okay, I promise, what did you do?"

"I fell asleep in your room, well...you know I was cleaning it and your scent was all over the room so I...urhm decided to sit and...I didn't know when sleep took over me."

"You admit you miss me so much yeah?" I asked with a smirk.

"What's your business with that?" Came her reply and I hid a laugh.

"So because you slept in my room busy sniffing my scent, you guys had to cancel your plan?"

"Babee, you promised," She mumbled and I let out the laughter I was holding.

"Answer me then." I demanded.

"Yeah Faheema was okay with it but Fadeela was really upset," She said, ignoring my first statement.

"Of course I am upset and would you do the honor of keeping your mouth shut, you are disrupting my sleep," Fadeela's familiar voice came through before I replied.

I was about to tell Eemaa to give her the phone so I could talk to her but I heard her say sorry and I made a mental note to talk to Fadeela myself. How dare she talk to my wife in such a manner?!

In a much lower voice she said, "Babe, I am sleepy."

She thought I heard nothing, " Okay, you sleep then and don't forget to say your du'a, okay?"

"Inshaallah, goodnight."

"Sweet dreams Eemaa, I love you." She smiled only.

"Aren't you disconnecting?" She asked after some minutes.

"Not until you're fast asleep," I replied.

"That's so sweet of you," She cooed and whispered an I love you too.

I continued working while listening to her breathing that was still steady which meant the sleep isn't heavy yet. I kept the phone and engrossed myself in what I've been doing.

After an hour or so, I put away everything as I was tired too. I laid down and decided to set my alarm when I saw I was still on the call, I placed it on my ears and her breathing was hitching, she sounds like someone who is hyperventilating.

The nightmare.

I disconnected the call and quickly dialed Faheema's number.


"Faheema help me wake up Eemaa please," I said, cutting off her greetings.

"If she is conscious, tell her I'm here then you give her the phone, okay?"

I heard some shuffling and then sobs.

"Faheema?" Silence.

"Faheema, you there?"

"Ya Muhammad," Her crying voice spoke.

"Shhhhh, shhhhh, calm down baby, I'm here okay? It's okay." I said trying to shush her.

"Ya Muhammad I want to come back home," she said, still sobbing.

"You're at home Eemaa, you shouldn't panic. Just a second, give Faheema back her phone I would call yours, okay?"

"Okay," She said, then disconnected while I video call her.

"Feeling better?" I asked her and she nodded, wiping her face.

"Ya Muhammad, could you please recite anything for me?"

"Sure," I cleared my throat and recited her favorite surah, suratul Fat'h until she fell asleep again.

"Oh Allah, spare her from these constant nightmares and ease her pain," I prayed before falling into a deep slumber.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


"Yes sir," my secretary answered standing up.

"I'm done with the files you brought in for the review, you can give them back to the director."

"Alright sir." She said, with a nod.

"My night schedule?" I asked.

She scrolled through her tablet, "You have a meeting with the dealer of Al- Haramain perfumes, by 8:30 at Kano central hotel and that's all for today." She concluded raising her head.

I looked at my wristwatch, 7:45pm it reads. "You can leave after returning the files," I said, walking to the elevator. I prayed Isha in the company's masjid and drove out of the building.

My phone rang, I dreaded picking up calls while driving, but after checking the caller ID, I saw Abba, I picked up the call immediately.

"Assalamu alaikum, good evening Abba," I greeted.

"Good evening Muhammad, how have you been."

"Fine alhamdulillah, how is umma and dad?"

"They are all good, I know you're so busy with work now right, since alhaji Aminu isn't there."

"The work keeps getting bulky every single day and the meetings too..." That's how the conversation changed from this topic to this.

The moment I disconnected the call, I noticed a white 4matic speeding towards me, it was almost the replica of the one behind us on our way to kaduna. I swiftly turned the wheels to the other direction almost hitting another car while the white 4matic passed me breaking my side mirror.

Who the hell is this?

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