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Muhammad's POV

"What?!" I asked.

"Do you want to see Maamah? Do you want me to bring her here?" I asked, sensing she's probably still upset with me.

She shook her head slowly, "It is…her," She said more audibly now.

I'm starting to get confused, "It is her that did what?" I asked again.

"Muhammad, let the nurse look after her for now, Steve is waiting outside, he said it's urgent," Abdallah interrupted.

"Rest okay," I said to Eemaa, kissing her forehead.

Abdallah and I stepped out and as he said, Steve was waiting outside with the iPad, showing two red dots coming towards the hospital.

By the looks of it, one had no idea the other was following him.

So we walked down to the control room and devised a plan. 

Mus'ab and Saif, will disperse themselves on the second floor, where Maamah and Hadeeza's room are, then Steve and one of the hospital's guards will stay at Eemaa's floor.

The rest of the family will lock themselves up in Abdallah's office, Abdallah and I will stay here to monitor their rooms.

It didn't take an hour for one of the red dots to arrive at the hospital, nothing was gonna be done to him, we just need to know what they are here to do. Or who they will meet.

The other dot was right behind the first one.

Now since in the hospital, we could see the dot's face, the face wasn't familiar at all, had never seen him anywhere, he went straight to the receptionist and spoke to her kindly as she answered to him, then he took the elevator.

The second dot was Patrick, who was right at his track but he took the stairs instead, probably he heard what floor the unfamiliar guy was heading to.

The unfamiliar guy was spotted on the second floor walking towards Hadeeza's room.

Hadeeza was the instigator? How? My mind was trying to make sense of this until he walked past her room and stopped in front of Maamah's, their rooms were right next to each other.

I recalled Eemaa saying it's Maamah, And now I understand she was telling me that Maamah was behind something, or everything?

"Holy crap!" That was Abdallah and for the first time I didn't mind what came right out of his mouth.

"Notify Mus'ab to arrest them both as soon as Patrick reaches the floor," I said instead, running out of the room. Abdallah on my tail.

As we reached the floor, Mus'ab and Saif had already handled both Patrick and the unfamiliar guy, Maamah was terrified and looking for an escape, but I snatched the gun from Mus'ab's hand pointing at her head.

"Start talking now, or I blow your fucking brains out!" I was so enraged, so angry I could feel the heat building up in my body, how could she?! I really do want to shoot her right where it will take her years to recover.

"I will!" She responded, terribly shaking.


Maamah's POV

I grew up an orphan in an orphanage in Niger.

We barely make it to having a good square meal a day talkless of three.

After reaching the age of adulthood, I made up my mind to use my beauty and innocent facade to make do with life.

I vowed to not stay poor for the rest of my life and deemed to be a rich mum to my kids, one that provides them with whatever they want, whenever they want it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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