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Fatima's POV

"Sweetheart?!" I muttered under my breath. Shocked.

Has he been the sweetheart? I asked myself almost at the verge of tears.

"I mean, Yaya," she corrected herself. I let out a huge sigh of relief, while I mask up my shocked face with a smile. I walked to a guilty looking Ya Muhammad embracing him even after knowing Fadeela would feel uncomfortable of my action. He paused for a second before returning the hug, kissing my forehead as usual.

I heard her snicker and I smiled mischievously. I didn't know this side of me exists.

"I missed you babe."

"What?" he asked, chuckling.

"You heard me right," with a raised brow and a smile I replied.

"Sorry, I missed you too, but I'm famished." He said, with a pout which I found really cute.

"Figured you'd be," I said, drawing his nose and he mirrored my action.

"Let's get you all cleaned up," I said as I took his office bag. I spotted a fuming Fadeela standing with slackened shoulders and an undecipherable expression patched on her face.

"Ohh and we have a guest," I said, encycling my hand around his right arm.

"Uh-uhm, a beautiful house you guys have got," she said, with a fake smile. I could see the irritation behind her eyes though. 

"Thank you." We replied in unison.

"Can you help me arrange the table while I attend to my husband please?" I asked politely, still clutching his arm.

She glanced at Ya Muhammad and then nod, without a word she head straight for the kitchen.

"I smell jealousy," Ya Muhammad teased, while we walk to our bedroom.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Of course, why were you calling me babe, hugging me and saying you missed me in front of someone, jealous Eemaa, what have you done to my shy Eemaa?" 

"Ya Muhammad," I called out his name laying emphasis on the last letter.

He burst out laughing, "say babe again please, I love how you say it," I shook my head unbelievably and I just walked into the bathroom to set things for him.

"I must admit, I love this side of you more," he said, blowing a kiss from the bathroom door only to close it when he saw one of the pillows coming towards his face.

Five minutes later, I heard the shattering sound of a glass, thinking it might not be what I was thinking. I brushed it off and continued playing 4pictures 1word on his phone, until he was out of the shower all freshened up. Droplets of water running down his torso.

"You liking what you see?" he asked in a singsong tone, smirking. 

I threw his shirt at him.

"Wear it, and I thought you said you were hungry," I mumbled the last sentence.

Another sound of glass shattering cut me off, which was way louder than the first one. I walked out of the room in a haste as he tailed behind me wearing his shirt along the way.

I couldn't speak, my dining table was what I met in shards. Fadeela laid a couple of inches away from the broken glasses, and the food...let's not talk about it.

"Subhanallah! Fadeela are you okay?" Ya Muhammad asked, concerned as he rushed to help her up, that brought me out of my trance.

"Are you okay Fadeela?" I asked sincerely only to receive an eyeroll.

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