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I moved in my sleep immediately acknowledging the hardness under me. I stretched out my hands to feel around the unfamiliar rough surface I'm laying on and my hand brushed over a few gravels and sand.

Where am I?

My eyes were instantly wide open. An excruciating pain coarsed through my head when I shot up to my feet. I held my head in my hands breathing hard because of the pain.

The pain subsided a little making me sigh in relief. I brought my hands up to my face to brush away what felt like gravels only to see it covered in blood with the help of the dimmed lightening of the moon.

My head is bleeding? That explains the pain. But where am I?

I looked around slowly so as to not trigger the pain again.

Giant trees standing tall hovering over me with creepy looking branches covering the moon, sounds of insects, wait–

Am I in a forest? How did I get here? I clearly remember going to sleep with ya Muhammad at home.

The sound of a twig breaking startled me from behind, standing, is the most dangerous human being and the person I despise all my life.

Even with the dim light of the moon I could still see the edges of his lips pulled into a creepy smirk.

He was fair skinned but has the darkest heart. He has a kind of red bloodshot eyes that will make you run in the opposite direction when he stares. The huge scars of different sizes all over his body are also a scare off. In short the sight of him would scare the living soul out of you.

"So you're alive huh?" His hoarse voice broke the silence, sending ice cold shivers running down my spine.

But I wasn't ready to show the weak side of me, I mustered up courage. "You're surprised I survived yeah? Rest assured I would silently be the reason for your downfall and the end of you is coming soon."

I guess that provoked him because he let out a loud grunt and ran towards me. Before he could do something I ran in the opposite direction trying as hard as I can so as not to stumble upon a stone or tree root. My throbbing head wasn't helping either.

What have I done? I shouldn't have said that! Now I'm going to be killed in a forest and no one will know of my death. Ya Muhammad where are you?

Something beside a tree caught the hem of my sleeping dress and before I struggle to get my dress out, he caught me and pin me to the same tree.

"You think you can run away from me?" His voice echoed in my ears and an awful smell escaped his mouth. It made me turn my head to the other side but I was met with a very hard slap that caused my nose to bleed.

"Patrick," I called his name through gritted teeth.

"Keep that filthy mouth of yours shut." He sneered.

He roughly tore off my dress from whatever it was that caught it and off my scarf then held the neck of the dress about to tear it apart. I kept wailing and screaming my lungs out but to no avail. He tore it from head to toe...

"Fatima! Fatima wake up." I heard someone calling from a distance.

With a rough shake, I suddenly jerk up. I touched my body and I felt my night dress still on, then I sighed in relief.

It was a dream, no a nightmare. I was sweating like I had drenched myself in a pool of water and my body profusely shaking while tears cascaded down my face.

"Fatima, are you okay?" Ya Muhammad asked, worry laced in his voice. "You were shouting in your sleep."


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